A Bear With Pants
A Bear with Pants by Adam C. Warren is a fun children's book about a young bear called Bear with Pants. One of his legs is longer than the other, and so he walks with a limp. He is starting school, and so he gets...
A Bear with Pants by Adam C. Warren is a fun children's book about a young bear called Bear with Pants. One of his legs is longer than the other, and so he walks with a limp. He is starting school, and so he gets...
Squirrel Superhighway is an illustrated children’s book, written by Anna C. Morrison and illustrated by Vanda Lavar. Duke is an adventurous dog who loves to watch the squirrels all day. As he watches them run their errands and play in the trees, Duke imagines what...
Jordan: My Grand Dog by Regina Long Southall is a heartwarming story that follows the life of a dog named Jordan. Jordan, a cute little Yorkshire terrier, was adopted by his owner, Andrea, when he was six weeks old. Having a home made the little...
Travelling through Tokyo is the second book in the Pug with a Passport series, written and illustrated by Marie Story. Kipling Pug visits his friend, Taiki, in Tokyo, Japan. With more than 31 million people living in Tokyo, it is the most crowded city in...
The Snow Birds is an illustrated children’s book, written in rhyme and illustrated by Phyllis Dillard. As the wild winter weather ravages the landscape, birds go about their endless, everyday chores as if it were any other day. The author asks a bird why they...
Pug with a Passport is a children’s book, written and illustrated by Marie Story. Kipling Pug has the travel bug and carefully explains the steps involved in taking a holiday, whether it be local or abroad. Whether getting his passport photo taken, going through the...
Puffy and the Formidable Foe by Ann M. Hannon, Marie G. Lepkowski, and Margaret B. Hannon is the cute story of Puffy the cat who goes hunting for a rat. He pokes his head into a hole and finds a mole instead. He decides to...
Wow! With images that are so realistic and colorful, illustrator Pamela Becker has done an excellent job illustrating I’m Your Buddy: A True Story about a Goffin Cockatoo. People are hardest to draw, but her highlights, shadows, and tones make them look real. The full-page...
The Sea Cat Dreams by J.R. Poulter is a beautifully written, heartwarming children's book that follows a sailor's cat as he looks back on his life. The cat had not been born a sailor's cat; instead he was born on a farm, but one day...
Little Bitty Octopus by J.R. Poulter is a fun, rhyming children's book about a young octopus named Little Bitty Octopus. He had always been a good octopus, and had never done anything bad. He wondered if he could do something bad. He stared at the...