He Who Shall Remain Shameless

Fiction - Paranormal
230 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

He Who Shall Remain Shameless by David Ewald is a paranormal novel that explores the intersection of the afterlife and the digital world. The story follows a man driven by the mission to convince ghosts, both ancient and recent, to reveal their secrets through social media. His journey is obstructed by the Meritocrat, a powerful entity determined to control who is remembered and who is erased from history. The novel intertwines ghost hunting, drama, and comedy, featuring fictional interactions with real historical figures, as the protagonist fights to reclaim the lost stories of the dead. Ewald has crafted one of the most interesting books that I’ve read all year, with an original concept that was handled with a brilliant balance of humor and philosophy. His imaginative concept of blending the afterlife with modern technology is both unique and thought-provoking, questioning how our advancements in this life may have inspired what occurs when it’s over.

I loved the speculative, realistic tones of the work as the integration of real historical figures brings us closer to familiar experiences, then bounces back into humourous moments before offering some shocking deaths that shift the mood instantly and leave you pondering them long after you set the novel down. David Ewald's core charm and readability are rooted in his ability to balance drama with humor in healthy doses, offering an engaging tone that keeps the reader invested and with confidence in the narrative that everything will work out all right in the end. There’s also such an interesting takeaway about memory and legacy, and, seen through the lens of the supernatural, this concept of who is remembered, what for, and why is both poignant and intellectually stimulating. Overall, He Who Shall Remain Shameless is a superb work of fiction that fans of engaging paranormal stories are sure to love.