Thy Kingdom Come
In the land where the seven kingdoms struggle to live peacefully, heir after heir is born in the hope that they would be the ones to run the race for the Last Kingdom to unite them all under one rule. Each kingdom has paid its...
In the land where the seven kingdoms struggle to live peacefully, heir after heir is born in the hope that they would be the ones to run the race for the Last Kingdom to unite them all under one rule. Each kingdom has paid its...
Brotherhood of Secrets & Lies by Lashonda Beauregard, the second book in The Drama & Secrets Series, takes readers into the tense and secretive world of Bayoutown University. This standalone novella follows Shawn, a freshman athlete, as he navigates the campus's fraternity politics while grappling...
The Catalysts by Joseph Guzzo follows Orville, a shelter cat adopted by Luca and his parents Vic and Claudia, who forms a bond with the family, is renamed Red, and enjoys a comfortable life in their home. Red meets a stray cat, hungry and cautious...
Zero by Krysten Harlow introduces readers to the world of Lethia, where a high-stakes battle between good and evil unfolds. The story follows Rayner, the wise and selfless archwizard, as he leads his council of wizards against Zero, a vengeful and power-hungry adversary. The novella...
Shell Shocked by Kathleen Welton will appeal to young adult fans of mysteries, adventure, and coming-of-age stories. Alex looks forward to a new challenge on her sixteenth birthday. She starts her internship at the Myrtle Turtle Rescue Center. Alex loves these beautiful sea creatures and...
Bear Wings: The Wings, Book 1 by River Linnsight is a wonderful fantasy that transports readers to a fantastical world as they follow a sad orphan boy whose favorite toy polar bear suddenly comes to life and takes him on an adventure. The boy and...
Skye Lancaster and Finn Evans are childhood friends and professional ballroom dancers. Skye and Finn love each other deeply and think about their future together. But Skye is not quite happy. This seventeen-year-old girl dreams of a different life. She wants to be popular and...
Of Life, Love, and Other Noble Pursuits: The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones by Tamara Hart Heiner captures the transformative experience of early adulthood with remarkable authenticity and sensitivity. The novel follows Cassandra Jones through her first year of college, exploring the complex landscape...
Flight by Sandy Whiting follows Cassie, a teenager in the aftermath of her father's death, dealing with her mother's addiction and her brother's detachment. Cassie manages household duties and feels increasingly isolated. At school, she views her life through literature, not nicely as it is...
In An Unbalanced Force by Valerie Sherrard, readers are introduced to the family of Ethan Granger. He is a typical high school student enjoying the lucrative and privileged lifestyle provided by his father and mother. All is well until the last time his father tells...