The Pit
The Pit: Watchmaker's Hell, Book One by L.A. Barnes is an amazing, terror driven story that you will want to read again. All of us are curious about the afterlife and what happens when we die. In this novel, a group of people is shown...
The Pit: Watchmaker's Hell, Book One by L.A. Barnes is an amazing, terror driven story that you will want to read again. All of us are curious about the afterlife and what happens when we die. In this novel, a group of people is shown...
That Place by Jay Carr is a poignant and, at times, somewhat shocking account of one man’s spiral into hell that gives credence to the old adage of “your past will come back to haunt you.” Barry Cunningham’s quiet academic world as a professor at...
The Story of Jack: The Pit Bull Who Became a Hero is a contemporary fiction novel written by Pam Daoust. Jack was getting panicky the last few days he had been in the Animal Shelter. He was there with his mother after they had been...
The Block: Just Live 'cuz You Can is a speculative fiction novel written by Richard Seaman. It's set in the near future, after yet another war to end all wars bankrupts the American government. The responsibility for the now-defunct Social Security Administration's payments to senior...
Six years ago, Alyssha Dodson and her brother discovered the door to a parallel world beneath Voodoo Bridge. It was a world not unlike her own, a world struggling to grow and blossom into something better despite a past ravaged by discrimination and politics. In...
I really enjoyed reading The Thing with Feathers by Anne Sweazy-Kulju. This story starts off in the 1920s and is about the lives of Blair Bowman and Will Marshall. Blair has been abused by her father since she was a little girl. Will decides to...
The Bad Girl is a literary fiction novella written by L. Donsky-Levine. New York City in the 1970s is a hectic and swirling place filled with life and vibrant colors. Though it’s been two years since Fitz Darcy was wounded on Hamburger Hill in Vietnam...
The Methuselarity Transformation is a science fiction novel written by Rick Moskovitz. Marcus Takana has given up on his future, ever since the environmental calamity that impoverished his family when he was 22 years old and he joined the ranks of the data deprived. He’s...
Sad. Happy. Heart-warming and heart-breaking. Those are the words I would use to describe The Fifth Floor by Julie Oleszek. In 1970s Chicago, young Anna thrives in the commotion of her large and rambunctious family. With ten children in the home, there is always something...
Turnstiles by Andrea McKenzie Raine is a story of three perfect strangers who are trying to find an idyllic world where things are as they should be. The novel revolves around three main characters: Martin Sourdough, Willis Hancocks Jr, and Evelyn. Evelyn is a prostitute,...