
The Story Of A Woman In Law Enforcement

Non-Fiction - Womens
133 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alija Turkovic for Readers' Favorite

Male-Dominated by Nenia Corcoran highlights the shocking challenges that the author faced as a female police officer in the force. Nenia's experiences shed awareness on this male-dominated field and its fundamentals. Her book reveals how challenging it is for female officers to overcome the many obstacles systematically put in place to reduce the comfort, well-being, expectations, and advancement of female officers in Nenia's era. Her book focuses on specific issues like sexism, sexual harassment, not having her opinions taken seriously, having her competence questioned, alienation, dismissal by male co-workers, having to wear oversized police attire, lack of understanding and support about female-related health issues, having to reshape her identity to fit in with the boys, being asked to forgo getting pregnant, and navigating the mental and physical aspects of a demanding job with little internal support.

Male-Dominated offers a heartfelt, articulate, gritty, honest, and bravely personal glimpse into Nenia Corcoran's ordeals on the job. She doesn't sugar-coat anything at all. As a reader, I sincerely appreciate this! Corcoran wrote a riveting tale that had me clinging to her every word. I admire her directness and openness in discussing her stressful experiences within law enforcement. I commend her resilience when she decided to stay on the force for many years despite the disheartening circumstances she regularly faced. After reading Male-Dominated, I understand the "blue wall of silence" within law enforcement and what it took for Corcoran to topple it through her writing. Furthermore, I support and applaud Corcoran's courage in publishing her book, even after she was advised not to write it by a senior officer. I hope her book paves the path for further policy adjustments regarding gender equality in law enforcement. Great book. Thank you for sharing it with us, Ms. Corcoran.