This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods

A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma

Non-Fiction - Self Help
272 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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Author Biography

Ernest Ellender was raised on the bayous and beaches of South Louisiana where he spent his time fishing and hunting with family and friends. Upon completion of his graduate studies, Ernest returned home to offer psychotherapy services and martial arts instruction to local Cajun communities.

Ernest worked in the fields of psychology, life coaching, and martial arts for over 20 years before publishing his first book entitled “This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods: A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma.” With this book, Ernest offers his empowering curriculum to readers across the world who wish to heal from their past and develop the knowledge and skills necessary for success in relationships and life. Nowadays, Ernest continues to instruct martial arts students while running his life coaching services and promoting his new book.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

How We Heal from Painful Childhoods by Ernest Ellender outlines a comprehensive method for healing from the trauma of youth by focusing on relationship skills, self-care, and community engagement. Ellender speaks about goal-setting to manage thoughts and emotions, highlights the role of the autonomic nervous system in C-PTSD, and explores biological factors like epigenetics for stress management. He suggests replacing trauma-induced "Trauma Lies" with positive "Life Truths" through self-awareness and therapy, incorporating techniques such as controlled breathing and CBT to improve emotional stability and communication. Ellender leans toward the importance of empathy, self-compassion, and proper therapy intensity to avoid burnout. Additionally, he discusses the need for self-love, effective anger management, and personal accountability in breaking the trauma cycle. Ellender advises against comparing traumas, stressing that all trauma is equally valid and requires dedicated, non-competitive therapeutic efforts for recovery.

Ernest Ellender’s work on trauma recovery is both informational and compassionate in How We Heal from Painful Childhoods, and I appreciate the practical roadmap for transforming one’s life from victimhood to thriving he provides. His accessible writing and empathetic tone make concepts that might otherwise be difficult feel approachable. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) questionnaire stood out to me as an important tool for understanding the long-term impacts of childhood trauma. Rather than simply offering a collection of strategies, Ellender focuses on the power of incremental, intentional change. His approach encourages readers to build resilience through thoughtful self-care and nurturing supportive relationships, telling us that true growth comes from patience and persistent effort. By highlighting the importance of self-awareness and effective communication, Ellender provides a deeply insightful guide to overcoming trauma and achieving lasting personal development.