Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Seekers of Earth (The Guardian Knights of Terra Book 1) by Kyle Pratt is a young adult science fiction novel that would appeal most to a mixed audience of teens and tweens who enjoy books that take place away from Earth with aliens and alien...
Samhain is a chilling paranormal tale of buried horrors, written by Lori R. Lopez. Daren Karl is a thirty-year-old survivor of a traumatic event which had taken place twenty years prior. His anxiety and PTSD is off the charts; if only he could remember. When...
Seb Cage Begins His Adventures by Terry Tumbler follows young Seb and his brother, Bart, as they go to stay with their grandparents, Terry and Sandra. Soon, Terry brings Seb in to investigate a part of the town with a secret connected to aliens. When...
Spooky Tales Inspired by Real Ghost Stories by Autumn Chills is a collection of short stories that show just how fragile the boundary between life and death can be. Separated into ten different tales, each story is an account of an encounter with the supernatural,...
Sunset Empire (Volume 1) by Melissa Ousley is a YA paranormal tale. Following a fire that destroys her house, Elyse Pythan moves to Astoria to live with a grandmother she had never known. Her grandmother is strict, but Elyse rebels against her and discovers what...
Suspicion is a young adult coming-of-age mystery novel written by A. Neville. Joe was feeling lost and alienated as he watched his best friend, Seb, playing for Trenwith High in the Secondary Schools’ Football Cup quarter-final. It was important to Seb; his future as a...
Julie, the main character of Suddenly, Paris: Many Worlds, One Life by Olga Werby, has to learn that nothing is as it seems in her life. Her real heritage is not what she thought it was, and the odd behavior of her grandmother becomes more...
The short story, Summer Nites, by Jeremey Nollett is about a guy named Joe Mieser and what he experiences after quitting his crooked law firm. This story reminds the reader to be careful of who you trust. I enjoyed Summer Nites. It was an interesting read...
Shifting Paths by Sandra L. Koehler: 'Change is an opportunity to face your fears and grow beyond your limited vision'. Set in the desert, the story ties the four characters together beautifully. Jonah, Marcie, Markus, and Nate are hikers in the wilderness who face more...