Psychic is a work of fiction in the thriller and suspense subgenres. It is aimed at young adult readers and was penned by author TS Rose. The book follows Alpha, a young woman who uses her psychic powers to keep the care home she grew...
Psychic is a work of fiction in the thriller and suspense subgenres. It is aimed at young adult readers and was penned by author TS Rose. The book follows Alpha, a young woman who uses her psychic powers to keep the care home she grew...
A former detective and one of the best active Private Investigators, Tom Sipowicz just found out that he had a brother. They never met because of circumstances beyond the control of their parents. Tom’s brother, Nicholas Stachowiak, was a software engineer he found through
Private Ivy is the second installment in Steven Cortinas's The Legacy Series. We follow the story of Ivy Virtue, a spunky, savvy, and spirited girl detective who tackles the underbelly of her city in 1939 head-on. Despite this, Ivy has few friends. Her father has...
In Panspermia Colonist by Suvra Biswas, a viral brigade of Covids escape a black hole and plan to colonize our solar system. We meet their Master (Crutzfield), the Navigator (Kaposi), the Scientist (Epstein), their Earth contacts Covid (Uncle Gilbert), and sundry other characters who come...
‘You need a crime, a detective, and the solution” - Kerry Greenwood. Private Ivy is the second children’s mystery book in The Legacy Series by Steven Cortinas. Ivy Virtue has a very sharp tongue, a fearless, headstrong attitude, and fantastic detective skills for a twelve-year-old....
Polish Dragon P. I. (The Lineage Sword) is an urban sleuth story inspired by Chinese mythology. Written by Steve Zimcosky, the novella follows private investigator Tom Sipowicz, a.k.a., The Polish Dragon, as he finds himself entangled in the disappearance of Paul Lee, a young man...
Phoebe Douse: Secret Society for Special Abilities and Artefacts is a novel for middle grade and younger YA readers penned by author L. Samuels, with accompanying illustrations. Our precocious young heroine is quick to dismiss Grandmother Naan when she tells her tales of the fantastical...
Pride Be Damned: The Toby Garrison Chronicles, Book One is a young adult mystery novel written by Ellen Boyd. Toby was not going to allow his father to dictate the terms of his life and existence, and he was determined to do something about it...
In Phoenix by Daccari Buchelli there’s plenty of action, lots of mythical and magical twists and turns. The setting occurs in Peradon, a once united land of religious faith with four ruling families. Somewhere in the plot a division takes place, creating the Earth Realm,...
Paradox Forged in Blood by Mary Frances Fisher is based around the time of World War ll. It gives the reader a look into how different cultures were treated during that time. It is mainly the story of an Irish girl and her being witness...