Low Reign
Low Reign by Mario D. King is a coming of age story of two boys as they try to find a way to chase their dreams while making sense of their reality. LJ and Bee are two friends on the brink of adulthood. The boys...
Low Reign by Mario D. King is a coming of age story of two boys as they try to find a way to chase their dreams while making sense of their reality. LJ and Bee are two friends on the brink of adulthood. The boys...
Emily Jones is a 12-year-old girl born with the ability to command the water, air, and earth elements. To develop her skills, she is invited to attend the peculiar North Shore Academy. There she meets other kids and teachers with elemental talents, some who seem...
Felicia Farber's Ice Queen is a young adult novel that on the surface appears as many young adult novels do – there's some kind of arch-nemesis and some form of a love story. But, beneath the surface, Farber weaves a dynamic cautionary tale that teenagers...
After a tragedy leaves a boy an orphan, he discovers that he has special powers that will help save lives in the young adult adventure, E-Z Dickens Superhero (Book One: Tattoo Angel) by Cathy McGough. Thirteen-year-old Ezekiel Dickens, E-Z to his friends and family, is...
Harbor's Edge by Sanne Rothman is an imaginative, coming-of-age mystery/sleuth novel that is hard to ignore. If you like well-crafted stories of legendary mythical creatures grounded in realism and sensible scenarios and heroes, keep reading. This tale revolves around a 14-year-old girl named Harbor who...
Twelfth Grade Hopes and Fears: American High School, #4 is a coming of age novel for young and new adults written by Bruce Ingram. While this is the fourth book in Ingram’s series, he provides enough background information to allow this book to be read...
Finding Fate is the first entry in the Tied by Fate Series by Keelan Storm, a coming-of-age, young adult romance with unforgettable characters. Tucker Patterson has lived all his life in the beachside community where he’s developed a relationship with Isabel “Izzy” Dearly. He’s never...
Jeremy Austin and Miervaldis is the continuing epic fantasy/science fiction story from author Rod C. Spence. Jeremy Austin and his group of teenage, high-school compatriots have traveled through a wormhole to the planet Genesis 2.4 million light-years away from Earth. They are following in the...
Perfection and Other Illusive Things by J Mercer is about loving yourself for all your flaws, even if they might hold you back from what you think is best for you. Eden already has almost everything she wants. She is a good student; her future...
Witches Anonymous by C.K. Johnson is a young adult series in the fantasy/paranormal/supernatural genre that relates Adeline’s efforts to determine the cause of a long-standing feud between her family and that of another witch family. Her maneuvers are hampered by her own insecurities as she...