In Taint by Janet Kelley, Rebecca is asked by her best friend Luke to keep a secret that she couldn’t even begin to comprehend. He confides in her that he had been raped by two boys at a party. This news immediately sends Rebecca reeling...
In Taint by Janet Kelley, Rebecca is asked by her best friend Luke to keep a secret that she couldn’t even begin to comprehend. He confides in her that he had been raped by two boys at a party. This news immediately sends Rebecca reeling...
Seasons of the Birch by Susan M. Puska is a historical fiction novel that follows the life story of a young nurse during and after World War II. Raised by her older sister Anna, due to an abusive father and deceased mother, Ruth Amundsen grows...
The central storyline in The Cup is the ice hockey game the children planned for New Year's Eve while their parents entertained their guests. The preparations started early that morning since they had to shovel a lot of snow from the street and sidewalks to...
The First To Tell by Milan Sergent is a black comedy. Cooper Pearmain is looking forward to retirement and has big plans. He knows a devastating secret about Lilibet, his wife who wants to remain in the limelight forever, even though her career is over....
The Calling Buds Remix, by B. Coyne Davies, is a character-driven novel set against the backdrop of a medical marijuana startup, or rather, sanctioned marijuana. The main character is Ray, a wounded Iraq war veteran who's lost two fingers and perhaps part of himself. Trying...
Jewbilly is a hilarious, well-paced tale about how young Yosef Bamberger finally enters manhood. Twelve-year-old Yosef and his orthodox Jewish family live happily in 1970s New York. But a year before Yosef is due to have his much-anticipated Bar Mitzvah, Yosef’s father, Murray, moves the...
Audrey is the sister who remains at home in Connecticut, struggling through the police academy as the only woman among many men who believe she should not be there. Hannah has moved to New York and works on the 84th floor of the South World...
Identity Crisis by author T.K. Kanwar is a work of fiction in the contemporary social issues and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is intended for the mature adult reading audience owing to the use of moderate explicit language throughout and the presence of violent scenes. Written...
In the gentle contemporary romance novel, The Archer: Spring Blossoms by Dr. Stan J. Guesing, there is grief, pain, and loss but there is also hope, joy, and relationships rooted in love. Cindy is a single mother worried about her son. Though intelligent, Daniel lacks...
Sheela Word spins a tale of living without modern technology in her book All You Need. Luisa Morales is taking her daughter to Oregon to stay with her father, Dirk Farone, for the summer. While Teresa “Terry” Morales spends time on the farm, Luisa will...