One Day a Year
One Day a Year by J. Lamont Jones sees Benny Jones thrust back in time where he meets what could possibly be the love of his life. Only how can that be when she lived centuries in the past? And it’s not only time that...
One Day a Year by J. Lamont Jones sees Benny Jones thrust back in time where he meets what could possibly be the love of his life. Only how can that be when she lived centuries in the past? And it’s not only time that...
Out of Time in the Desert by J. Thomas Hennessey, Jr. revolves around Lieutenant Greg Evans, leading a platoon in Iraq. During a reconnaissance mission, a sandstorm disrupts them, but they find an operational train station. Meeting British soldiers, Evans updates his strategy and prepares...
One-Legged Uncle Jesse by Mike Morris is a masterful blend of historical fiction, cultural musings, and family drama that will transport readers to a bygone era. This sweeping narrative spans multiple generations of a family, exploring the identity, grief, and effects of colonialism on the...
Kat grew up in a simple household with her parents and her twin brother, Will. It’s the early sixteenth century and Kat is fascinated by the allure of the royal court, particularly King Henry VIII’s first wife, Queen Katherine of Aragon. In Caroline Willcocks’ Of...
In Only One, a suspenseful Christian historical romance novel by Barbara Woster, Lara Esterhaus is the only daughter of Travis Esterhaus and Ava Salter. Lara’s parents died mysteriously in a carriage accident, and she was the sole heir to the family businesses and land. Lara...
One Dark Soul: Heartbreaking Revenge is a work of fiction in the Christian fiction, historical, and interpersonal drama genres, and is the third and final book of The Dark Moon Trilogy. Penned by author Anna Faversham, this intriguing tale delves into a complex web of...
Out of the Darkness by David A Jacinto takes place against the backdrop of 19th-century Britain, set among the Yorkshire coalfields in the north of England. The Wright family has mined coal deep underground for many generations. It is expected that Tommy, on his seventh...
Our Lesser Angels: A Novel of the Elmira Civil War Prison Camp is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, interpersonal drama, and American literary subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Mary Frailey Calland, this fascinating...
On The Edge Of Twilight offers a fresh perspective on the tumultuous era of World War II. This compelling historical novel by Aaron T. Knight highlights pivotal events while painting a vivid picture of an alternate reality where advanced German weaponry could have drastically altered...
Of White Ashes is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, military adventures, and emotive slice-of-life subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author duo Constance Hays Matsumoto and Kent Matsumoto, this WWII historical novel follows the lives...