The tale is about a set of twins, a girl and a boy, that are separated from each other and believe each other dead. In their travels the young man looks for his sister but instead he finds an old but powerful wizard. The...
The tale is about a set of twins, a girl and a boy, that are separated from each other and believe each other dead. In their travels the young man looks for his sister but instead he finds an old but powerful wizard. The...
In Wyndano’s Cloak the author transports the reader to the Kingdom of Aerdem. The action begins from the first page. I was quickly caught up in Princess Jenren’s story. Medlara appears to Jen and warns her something bad is going to happen but doesn’t reveal...
This tale is an unusual and entertaining story of a world divided by a veil. One side of the veil is bloody and full of battles, dried lands, and shadows. The other is its opposite—green fresh and fruitful. In this part of their world where...
The thesis of this book could be future headlines. For years, humans used products that killed 99.9% bacteria. It is the .1% that became the problem. The super bacteria evolved. “The human race was running out of time. The world was about to change and...
This story is refreshing and completely new in concept and legend. The details of the worlds created in this story are unique and beautiful, with a great plot. The characters are so vividly described, down to the places they go, the language, food and even...
This is a very interesting and fast-paced tale about good versus evil. The writing is fluid and keeps you going. A young girl witnessed the horrible death of her parents at the hands of the king. The mother was a trusted sorcerer in the king’s...
Sean is transported to a parallel universe. He meets people, and goes here and there,trying to find his way back home to his wife, Erin. In some universes, he is married to Mimi; he doesn’t like it, so he looks for a universe where he...
I wasn't sure if I would run into problems following the story since this is the third book in a series, not having read the other two books wasn't an issue. The characters from the prior books were mentioned but did not feature prominently. I...
Readers' Favorite Gold Medal Award WinnerEvery time I pick up my grandchildren they ask for a Buddy story. Buddy is our German shepherd. It is a long drive home. When they were toddlers, they would get bored so I began telling them stories about Buddy....
Jeremy Barandela takes readers on a medieval fantasy adventure in his latest book Dawn of Darkness. Zar Khan and his demons have been released from the underworld. The Collective, deceived by Khan, are released from one curse only to be placed under a different one. He...