Voice in the Wilderness

Against All Enemies Volume 1

Christian - Thriller
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/21/2017
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Author Biography

H. L. Wegley served as a USAF Intelligence Analyst, working with NSA, and a Weather Officer. In civilian life, he worked as a research scientist at a national lab, publishing in the scientific literature, then developed Boeing computing systems before he and his wife retired near Seattle, where they enjoy small-group ministry, their grandchildren, hiking Olympic Park beaches and where he writes high-action romantic suspense novels. He is a multi-published author with a 4-book inspirational thriller series, a 3-book political thriller series, 2 nonfiction books, and 3 more novels on the way.
Voice in the Wilderness expresses his concern that our national character is being steadily stripped away. But instead of dwelling on this downward spiral, he wrote an uplifting story that focuses on what it would take, if the USA slipped into tyranny, to return it to its roots, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
There are many pessimists who have written off the younger generation, but the author has hope for the Millennials. From them will come America’s future leaders. So, he crafted a story where an early-twenties man and woman together hold the keys to stopping a would-be tyrant as America teeters on the brink of tyranny.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

Voice in the Wilderness by H.L. Wegley is the opening book in the Against All Enemies series, a thriller with great spiritual and political undertones, and a stunning indictment of a system that fosters dictatorship and a mindless form of capitalism. The US is heading towards martial law and the future looks very bleak and grim. But one person, KC Banning, a network specialist, discovers President Hannan's tyrannical bent. Now she knows too much and is branded a terrorist. She has only one person to run to; Brock Daniels, a childhood sweetheart turned writer and reputable blogger. Those who still remain loyal to the constitution read Brock’s blog and find some iota of hope to hold onto, but for how long? Soon Brock and Banning will be running for their lives as Hannan’s men come for them.

H.L. Wegley creates a story that will have readers spellbound and utterly captivated. The plot is appealing and it features compelling characters. Readers will love to follow the story about the relationship between Daniels and Banning, a relationship that is held in place by a very fragile thread. I enjoyed how the two characters evolved. It is surprising to read a thriller that seems to speak about the current US political situation with such brilliance. I couldn’t help but think about the current US President leading the nation towards the worst form of dictatorship as I read on. The conflict is huge and it propels the story swiftly forward. Voice in the Wilderness features a great plot, awesome characters, and a political setting that reflects the drama the world is witnessing in US politics today. It’s a prophetic work.