The Big Healing

A Fantastical True Story of Liberation, Hope, and Healing to Empower Your Life

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
234 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In The Big Healing, Christopher McKeon and his daughters engage in a series of spiritual practices and discussions from October 6 to 13, 2017. They start with a ThetaHealing workshop and Emotion Code sessions, which lead to significant changes for McKeon’s daughter, Ayako. The family explores spiritual and ancestral issues, connecting with various spirit entities. McKeon introduces the concept of Negative Collective Consciousness (NCC), suggesting that human problems arise from habitual choices rather than inherent flaws. They confront spirits, including Miss Helen, who they believe affects McKeon’s well-being. Difficulties arise in interactions with spiritual figures and practices, including disagreements about the commercialization of spiritual services, and McKeon develops a method called energy testing (ET) to validate supernatural experiences, contrasting it with traditional spiritual revelation methods.

Christopher McKeon digs deep into the realm of spirituality and healing, presenting a unique point of view from his personal experience. McKeon’s writing shines in its clarity and honesty. Despite rather complex themes, such as collective consciousness and the interplay between personal beliefs and spiritual entities, I found the accessibility of the language made it easy for me to understand. I am unfamiliar with most modern spiritual practices outside of working with clairvoyants, and was pleasantly surprised, particularly by McKeon's critical examination of commercialized spirituality and his innovative approach to energy testing. I felt that he went above and beyond what I had hoped for concerning understanding and healing. I believe The Big Healing: A Fantastical True Story of Liberation, Hope, and Healing to Empower Your Life will resonate with all who are looking for spiritual growth and personal transformation. Very highly recommended.