
Fiction - Humor/Comedy
375 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Canceled by Tim Cann is a delightful read, especially if you relish sharp satire with humor and absurdity. This comedic drama plunges readers into the frenzied world of social media influencers, reality TV, and the elusive quest for privacy in a hyper-connected society. The story revolves around Lane Bryantt, a striking and unapologetically outrageous debutante and mother of two blonde, alt-right social media influencers. Against the vibrant backdrop of contemporary Los Angeles, the narrative takes the reader on a rollicking journey into a dystopian reality television show. Cann uses this premise to explore the lengths to which people will go to maintain relevance in today's digital world, even if it comes at the cost of their authenticity and sanity.

Lane and her family are colorful caricatures embodying the worst excesses of modern social media culture. Cann cleverly uses these exaggerated personalities to illuminate the absurdity of influencer culture, reality TV, and the blurred lines between fame and infamy. The “evil producer” who traps them in their own televised nightmare serves as a metaphor for the often predatory nature of the media industry and its insatiable appetite for controversy and spectacle. Canceled is a laugh-out-loud comedy masterpiece that melds the outlandish with some thought-provoking questions about privacy and what it means when lives are broadcast for likes and shares. Whether you’re a fan of satire or just looking for a humorous escape, Tim Cann’s irreverent take on the world of influencers and reality TV is worth checking out. It’s so good, it belongs on the big screen.

Keith Mbuya

John, a screenwriter in Los Angeles, had difficulty grappling with the fact that MBC, a Los Angeles television studio, had canceled his show, leaving him jobless. His slot had been given to a reality show starring Lane Bryantt, a shameless debutante and mother to a pair of blonde alt-right social media influencers. Martin Gardener, an old-timer producer, gets John aboard the reality show’s production team, something John regrets later. Along the way, Martin is outsourced off the show as the executive producer and a Japanese producer takes over. Apart from threatening to stall John’s career which had barely begun, this deal has Lane and her daughters trapped in a dystopian reality television show of their own making. Is there a way out of this? Find out in Tim Cann’s Canceled.

Lovers of drama and comedy novels will find Tim Cann’s Canceled an enthralling read. Paying great attention to detail, Cann weaves an intriguing plot featuring an exciting, dynamic cast. The tremendous dramatic touches accompanying the vivid depictions of the scenes, and the satirical and sarcastic commentary of pop culture, made reading feel like I was watching a contemporary Hollywood reality show. Cann enabled me to connect with the cast through depictions of their emotions and juxtaposing their complex traits. This story shows the brutal cycle of exploitation that somehow runs the film and television industry in the twenty-first century where dignity is the “small” price paid for popularity and money. And privacy is more of an alienated privilege than a basic right.

Rabia Tanveer

Canceled by Tim Cann is a humorous yet enlightening look at the current TV industry. The story follows Lane Bryantt and her two daughters, Angela and Virginia (Gina). The three were reality TV show stars who would go to any lengths to maintain their public image. As they navigate the challenging Hollywood culture and lifestyles, Gina and Angela are constantly in the spotlight. Things took a different turn when John joined their production team. John was a comedy writer who was in desperate need of work after his show was canceled. Before he knew it, John was part of a “reality” TV show where his suggestions were golden as the mother/daughters were ready to do whatever it took to keep the attention of the audience on their “real lives.”

It has been months since I have read a novel this fast. I literally consumed this book the moment I got my hands on it. Humorous, satirical, and sometimes right on the nose, I cannot find enough praise for Canceled and author Tim Cann. Readers will find similarities between Lane, Gina, and Angela with a certain reality TV star mother/daughters. I loved the narrative style, the opening of the story, and how John was introduced to Lane (it was epic!). I was laughing out loud at times, excited to see what the next chapter would bring, and wished I had some popcorn to go with this entertaining story. I loved the satirical nature of the plot, but what I loved more was the fact that the author depicted his characters as credible. Lane’s vulnerability and Angela’s mindfulness surprised me. The pace was fast, the characters were entertaining, the narrative style was engaging, and the themes were fantastic. It was realistic, smartly written, and very well executed. What more could I want? I highly recommend it!

K.C. Finn

Canceled by Tim Cann is a humorous novel that follows the chaotic misadventures of Lane Bryantt, a shameless debutante, and her family of alt-right social media influencers in contemporary Los Angeles. Trapped in a dystopian reality TV show of their own making, Lane and her family must navigate the manipulations of their evil producer while grappling with the societal absurdities of fame and social media. As they struggle to reclaim their privacy, the novel offers a satirical take on the entertainment industry and its impact on modern life. Cann excels at sharp satire, blending humor with biting social commentary to offer his readers a brilliant critique of the culture of fame and social media. There’s a tongue-in-cheek feel to every moment of this engaging story that reads like a popular pulp novel with plenty of classic twists and slick encounters, but it has so much depth when you consider the different levels of meta-humor at play.

Tim Cann's ability to create exaggerated yet recognizable characters brings the absurdities of reality television and influencer culture to life, and Lane and her many associates really up the ante on how truly insane people become when they’re swept up in their own bubbles. I loved Lane’s often vapid dialogue and obnoxious parlance. The comedic timing and witty dialogue throughout the novel show the author's skill in offering moral messages and warning signs that are subtly dropped into loud moments that make you laugh and then wonder what’s really happening beneath the noise. Cann builds this growing sense of unease into a brilliant exploration of themes of identity, privacy, and the relentless pursuit of fame with a thought-provoking conclusion that I genuinely didn’t expect. Overall, Canceled is a superb novel that I highly recommend to fans of drama and sharp satire.