Neigh Kid

Children - Adventure
36 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Hop on for a hilarious superhero tale with Alan Mayfair's Neigh Kid. It's nighttime, and a cat is lost. Little Colt tosses in his bed and hears the call for a hero. He removes his clothes to put on a horse mask and a cape to become the Neigh Kid and he rides toward the door. On the way, a news reporter and the police chief ask him where he is going. Colt refuses to stop as his kitten is in danger and gallops out of the house, only for the neighbors to see him without his clothes. The reporter and the police chief follow his trail as he crosses the street and finally finds the cat. He brings it home to safety, much to the relief of the reporter and the police chief.

Join a superhero unlike any other on his nighttime shenanigans in this illustrated adventure book for kids. Hysterically funny and charming, Neigh Kid provides entertainment galore, introducing young readers to a new superhero and protector of a city and its cats. Using both prose and rhyme, Alan Mayfair spins a fun-filled yarn full of adventure and mischief. Young readers will absolutely love Colt, while parents and caregivers will find it immensely fulfilling to read it to their kids. The phenomenal artwork adds a lot of flair to the narrative. Gabi Moraes' illustrations match the jolly tone of Mayfair's storytelling and make the story even more hilarious. Although primarily written for toddlers and preschoolers, I think slightly older kids will also find this amusing and wholesome. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and its characters, especially the parents and Neigh Kid's partnership with Catastrophe toward the end. Highly recommended!

Astrid Iustulin

Colt has already gone to bed for the night, but something is wrong. His cat is lost, and he must do something to find it. That is why the young boy undresses, puts on a horse mask and a cape, and goes to the rescue. He has transformed into a naked superhero, Neigh Kid. Neigh Kid is followed by a news reporter and the chief of police (his parents) during his gallop and does not care about the rain and mud; all that matters is reaching his goal. Will the young hero manage to find his cat? Alan Mayfair will tell you everything in Neigh Kid.

Neigh Kid is an engaging narrative for young readers. Who has never dreamed of being a superhero as a child? Colt's adventure made me laugh more than any children's book I have ever read. I liked that Alan Mayfair's words and Gabi Moraes' colorful images are equally essential to creating the comical effect. The text very often describes the events as Colt sees them, while the images present an objective picture; for example, our superhero's parents become the chief of police and a news reporter in his imagination. This makes the adventure hilarious, and overall, the whole story has something paradoxical that will amuse those who read it. I recommend this delightful book to all young readers who adore superheroes and wish they could become one. I am sure that this story will make them laugh out loud. Neigh Kid is a must-read.

Kristine Zimmerman

Who's that streaking through the night? It is none other than the brave superhero Neigh Kid! Alan Mayfair's book Neigh Kid starts with a cat on the loose. Colt, aka Neigh Kid, awakens to discover he must assume his hero identity. First, he dons his cape and horse mask and then loses his restrictive clothing. He heads out the door to begin his search and is followed quickly by the police chief (Dad) and the reporter (Mom). As he attempts to find his missing feline, his neighbors get a glimpse of Neigh Kid. Will Neigh Kid successfully corral his missing cat? Will the police chief and reporter catch him before he completes his mission?

Neigh Kid is an absolute delight. I love the play on words as our intrepid hero gallops through the streets wearing only his cape and mask. Alan Mayfair knows what will tickle kids' funny bones. In addition to the hilarity, there is a real celebration of a kid's imagination. As a retired children's librarian, I guarantee this will be a crowd-pleaser at storytime. The illustrations by Gabi Moraes are outstanding. As Neigh Kid runs through the pages, his unmentionables are concealed cleverly in each spread! Kids can peruse the pictures thoroughly as they play the seek-and-find game at the end. Alan has hit the sweet spot with his clever story. Neigh Kid will have kids laughing out loud and parents chuckling along. Hopefully, there will be more adventures for Neigh Kid and his cat Catastrophe!

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Neigh Kid is an adventurous children's story by Alan Mayfair. Colt hears the report of a lost cat, so after shedding his clothes and putting on a horse's mask, he streaks out of his bedroom door. His appearance shocks his parents, a police chief, and a reporter, but Colt pays them no mind as he trots to the rescue. Neighbors gasp at the repeated sight of his "neigh kid-ness" as Colt imagines he is a gallant steed galloping toward a scene. Colt picks up a little press and a new sidekick as he resolves to continue saving the city. At the end of the story, readers help Colt by locating pictures of items in the story in a "Seek 'N Find" game.

Alan Mayfair presents a fun tale with wit and well-timed delivery. His wording draws in young readers right away and keeps them laughing throughout the story. Mayfair has a way with wordplay that will delight children and adults. As the story is narrated, children's eyes will widen with surprise, and then they'll laugh along as they follow "Neigh Kid's" daring rescue. My older children thought it was hilarious when they learned the reporter and police chief were Colt's parents. Gabi Moraes's vibrant illustrations are sure to catch any eye while still protecting the main character's modesty. Caregivers can use the story to show children how to be themselves, despite the "neigh-sayers" who may speak against it. Readers on the lookout for a new superhero who approaches the calling uniquely will enjoy Neigh Kid.