Sean Dirts and the Hidden City

Children - Adventure
285 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Sean Dirts and the Hidden City is a children's superhero adventure novel by Don Shirts. Sean Dirts, a twelve-year-old boy, wakes up to find himself ten inches tall and traveling with his family to the village of Lilliput, where all inhabitants are "smalled" people. As Sean adjusts to his new life, he finds out that all of Lilliput's inhabitants have unique superpowers, including his family members. To Sean's surprise, Ms. Stepp tells him not to reveal his "mover" abilities when he accidentally stumbles upon them. He discovers he can also control animals, and with his newfound friend, Summer, hops on a bird for a ride and suddenly finds himself in the hidden city of Peteetneet. After unwittingly starting a rebellion, Sean must return to Lilliput and help its citizens face the might of the evil Shadrach.

Action-packed and filled with mystery, adventure, and intrigue, Sean Dirts and the Hidden City is one rollercoaster of a ride. As a reader, you don't know what to expect at any point in the story as the plot twists and turns its way to a climactic battle that will sate the appetites of any action-adventure lover. Don Shirts has written a brilliant superhero origin story for kids and young adults alike. You're never sure if your favorite characters are safe as the stakes are always high, especially after the midway point of the tale. I loved the friendships between Sean, Summer, and Luke and even enjoyed their interactions with Zach and Bert. The author leaves room for a sequel with the ending, and I hope to read it soon. Overall, this is a fantastic superhero story!

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Sean Dirts and the Hidden City by Don Shirts is a kids’ adventure story. Sean Dirts wakes to find he’s stuffed in a duffel bag with his parents and brothers, and he’s just 6 inches tall. They are all sent to a village where everyone has a power of some kind, except Sean, making him the focus of the bullies. When he finally finds out what his power is, he has to keep it hidden because there’s someone else out there who wants his power for themselves, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. Can he save his new community and become the hero of the hour? Or is he destined to be bullied for the rest of his life?

Sean Dirts and the Hidden City is Don Shirt’s exciting debut novel. This is a thrilling tale of adventure, but it also covers real topics that kids will face – bullying, loyalty, friendship, and freedom, among others. This is creative writing at its best, engaging and packed with action right from the start. The characters are marvelous, real people in miniature with real lives and real problems, superpowers aside! Don Shirt has perfectly written this for young readers in simple language, easy to understand and follow, and intriguing them into reading it all the way through. The main character will become a hero for kids the world over as the plot twists and turns its way to the end. This is a wonderful story, well-paced with a mixture of humor and suspense, and reminiscent of Gulliver’s Travels. I can’t wait to read the next one.

Essien Asian

Sean Dirts was not amused when his parents told him the family was moving to a new location. He did not want to leave his friends and the relationships he had built over time, but this was the only solution to the family's financial problems. Unease turned to anger when he got shrunk to less than a foot in size in preparation for this weird trip. Everything about the town of Lilliput sounded just as quirky as its name, but nothing prepared him for the big secret behind this strange place: everyone here has special powers except him. One more reason why Sean would rather be anywhere else but here. He has yet to experience the wild adventure ahead of him in Sean Dirts And The Hidden City by Don Shirts.

Don Shirt's debut novel, Sean Dirts And The Hidden City, is aimed at young readers who enjoy adventure. The comprehensive character development provides readers with detailed, easily understood explanations of the young hero's past and how he and his family came to be in their current situation. Readers can immediately identify with the portrayal of the family dynamic between the Dirts, mainly when Sean's parents explain the details of their stay in Lilliput. Through excellent pacing, impressively detailed action sequences, and cleverly constructed subplots with intriguing ideas that will appeal to older readers, like the True Gifter Legacy, Shirts' storytelling technique creates a narrative that ultimately appeals to readers of all ages. Sean Dirts And The Hidden City has the potential to create a remarkable series.