The Magician

Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
222 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Magician by A.J. Kohler and Susan Lynn Solomon is filled with magic. Ever since his father had taken him, his brother, sister, and mother to the Monte Carlo Resort in Las Vegas, Aiden Stark had dreamed of becoming the greatest magician of all time. Aiden was intrigued by Steve Bligh when he first signed up to practice magic at the Village Underground. Aiden followed Steve to a magical store, where Steve abruptly vanished. The owner of the shop assured Aiden that if he was interested in learning advanced magic, he would put in a good word for him. Steve told Aiden that he was unique and would discover magic beyond his wildest dreams. Aiden's life got more complicated the more magic he learned and the more successful he became.

The Magician by A.J. Kohler and Susan Lynn Solomon had me hooked from the first page until the end. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I was fascinated by the magic. I felt like I was a part of Aiden's performances because the events were realistic and descriptive. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what to expect next, and I was turning the pages as fast as possible. The characters were believable and true to life. The magical characters were realistic as well. Aiden had a chance to become a successful lawyer but gave it up to be a magician, a decision he did not regret. The plot was expertly developed and carried out, leading one to believe that magic is real.