Paging Dr. Hart

Loving him might give her a heart attack

Romance - Suspense
329 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Paging Dr. Hart by Dr. Melissa Dymond is a contemporary medical romance with a suspenseful twist. Dr. Tiffany Hart, a senior resident in a hospital in Ohio, has built a tough exterior, dedicating her life completely to her studies. With no friends or fun activities, her sole ambition is to graduate as a radiologist with top honors. However, her well-built façade begins to crumble when she receives the responsibility of training the new resident, Dr. Ethan Clark. Despite efforts to maintain a tough persona, working closely with Ethan in Columbus and during the exchange program in Cleveland allows him to slip through her defenses. Scarred by a past where Tiffany was burnt by loved ones in more ways than one, she had resolved to shut herself off from new connections. As Tiffany comes to terms with her growing feelings for Ethan, she finds herself having to confront the ghosts from the past. Will a budding romance and new connections help Tiffany through this struggle, or will past demons drive away her future happiness?

Dr. Melissa Dymond’s Paging Dr. Hart ticks several of my boxes for a good read. The author presents the story using the first-person narrative, allowing me a glimpse into Tiffany's thoughts and feelings. A non-linear narrative gave me a better understanding of Tiffany’s character and provided context and background information on why she came to be the ‘Ice Maiden’ in the hospital. The steady pace, weaving the past and present, kept me invested in the story and helped reveal Tiffany’s vulnerabilities gradually. The theme of healing, both physically and emotionally, is at the heart of the narrative, exploring how past traumas can affect relationships in the present. Although Tiffany’s transformation from a closed-off person to someone willing to open up to new connections is the focus, Ethan, with his patience, kindness, and humor, is just what Tiffany needs. The language is clear with hints of humor, and there is a good balance between medical terminology and relatable descriptions. The beautiful pencil sketches throughout added to the overall appeal of this book for me.