Legacy of Valor

A Dreamscape Warriors Novel

Fiction - Science Fiction
413 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Legacy of Valor by Kurt D. Springs is the second book in the Dreamscape Warriors science fiction series. In book one, Price of Vengeance, we meet Liam, orphaned at two, adopted by High Councilor Marcus and his wife, Lidia, and raised with their son Randolf in New Olympia on Etrusci. As an adult soldier, Liam uncovers an alien intelligence and a traitor who killed his birth and foster parents. Liam must harness all the power he holds to defeat them. In this second installment, Major Liam O'Connor, from a lineage of heroes, faces a critical test. The Rebel faction led by Marshal Kergan has seized Treespo, a vital source of rare metals. Liam's Special Operations Company must retake it. With all senior officers dead, Liam leads Terran, Neo-Etruscan, and Finnian forces to prevent Kergan's control.

Kurt D. Springs successfully achieves a multifaceted and engaging push forward in Legacy of Valor, drawing readers into a well-crafted world filled with rich characters, meaningful relationships, authentic dialogue, and emotional depth. As someone from a family of Marines, I particularly enjoyed some of the intelligent, witty banter that trickles in. “'Re-decapitate?... Is that even a word?' 'We’re marines, sir... We’re allowed to invent words.'” I loved the Dreamscaping element, which is a way of entering and interacting within another's dream or subconscious, which wraps metaphysical themes into the work, helps us understand both backstories as readers in an organic way, and gives a little boost to the more technical aspects of a militaristic sci-fi thriller. Overall, this is an excellent novel and I look forward to seeing where Springs takes us next.