Heart of Snow

Romance - Historical
296 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Heart of Snow by Rachel Grow Law is a historical romance set in the court of Queen Mary. Countess Margaretha, desperate to save her brother who has been captured in battle, becomes a lady-in-waiting to gain favor and influence. Struggling with shyness and dubbed 'Snow White' for her innocence, Margaretha seeks help from Friedrich, a huntsman's page, to practice the art of flirtation. Despite their differing worlds, they find themselves drawn to one another, but Margaretha's hidden secret may jeopardize their growing love and her quest to rescue her brother. Law demonstrates an exceptional talent for bringing historical detail to life while keeping the focus firmly on Margaretha and her exciting journey at the heart of the story.

The romantic tension Rachel Grow Law creates between Margaretha and Friedrich kept me turning pages well into the night, with moments of tenderness that feel earned and authentic. I adored the dialogue exchanges and the witty 'art of flirtation' scenes. Her attention to historical accuracy only enhances rather than overwhelms the narrative, painting a vivid picture of life in Queen Mary's court with all its immersive sights and sounds, and this serves as the perfect backdrop for a truly touching love story. The way she handles Margaretha's character development is also particularly masterful, showing her growth from a shy noblewoman to someone who discovers her own strength. What I found most captivating was how Law wove themes of sacrifice and personal growth throughout the story, creating moments that are sure to have readers brimming with tears one moment and grinning from ear to ear the next. Overall, Heart of Snow is a must-read for anyone who appreciates historical romance with brilliant characters, vivid dialogue, and genuine emotional resonance.