Babies, Bumps and Blues

A Healthy Approach To Recovery

Non-Fiction - Parenting
57 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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Author Biography

Ronnie Dean is a RN with over twenty years experience including Prenatal Education, Mother/baby, Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and a Health & Wellness Educator. She lives in Kimberly, Alabama with her husband and two sons. Ronnie is a singer, writer, inspirational speaker, enjoys adult ballet and loves watching her boys play sports. Her hobbies include starting a small business recently while launching her new book. She is completing a Children’s book called “Hello Sun” by late summer 2024. She has plans to publish another book in the next year that is inspirational.

Dear Friends, It is my desire that this booklet becomes an arrow in your hand to the journey of motherhood. May the stories from friends and knowledge from our experiences allow strength on behalf of your new beginnings. My heart for you is that this will be a connection with other moms and a catalyst to ignite your strength within. I desire that the material provided can become a product that gives light to your path from one generation to another. Let us learn from our past, present and future for together we are capable, courageous, resilient, powerful and fierce. Now take a deep breath and let me hear you “ROAR” from the depth of motherhood! For without your willingness to embrace being a woman, future generations simply would not exist. You are beautifully and wonderfully made! Love, Ronnie

    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

It is with the authority of over twenty-five years as a registered nurse and experiences as a mother that Ronnie A Dean writes Babies, Bumps, and Blues: A Healthy Approach To Recovery. As a mother, she had to deal with her son being born prematurely. Such situations and other conditions that might happen during pre- and post-natal periods can take a toll on the mother. Attending prenatal classes can help anticipate some of these issues and alleviate anxiety. After the baby is born, the mother needs to be organized; for instance, having a different laundry basket for baby clothes. A good social support system is also very important. The mother should understand her baby's personality and adapt the necessary diet and other routines, such as recovery exercises. 

Ronnie A Dean rightly points out in Babies, Bumps, and Blues that without women and their willingness to give birth, we would be doomed as a species, which makes this a must-read for everyone. I loved how she expressed all the points concisely, leaving no room for confusion for the reader. The plan provided at the end of each discussion makes the book very effective in passing on the intended message and making everything actionable. The reader will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language, which makes the book accessible to all levels of readers. I believe such literature will be of great importance not only to mothers but to all members of society who provide social support, hence contributing to the overall outcomes of the baby's and mother's health. I look forward to learning more from Ronnie's expertise.


As a mother of a two year old and a 2 month old,I can say that the information given in Babies, Bumps, and Blues- A Healthy Approach to Recovery can be a lifeline to a new mom. Having recently entered my own postpartum season, I am keenly aware of the challenges new moms face in both her baby's newborn journey and her own postpartum experience.

This book provides tools to prepare for the things that most people don’t talk about during pregnancy. It brings to light the realities of what life with a newborn is like and how to become prepared before your baby arrives to make the transition go smoothly. It is organized in a way that is easy to understand and lends itself to be an easy quick reference resource. Each section contains factual information on the topic as well as practical advice. There is a wealth of information in the book on topics ranging from breastfeeding all the way to sleep deprivation. Many times mothers are told that there will be challenges in the newborn stage as well as awareness about postpartum depression, but often lack the information for how to navigate through these issues. This book provides the action steps needed to care for newborns and prevent, manage and recover from postpartum depression.

I would highly recommend this book to any expecting mothers. As Ronnie mentions in the book, knowing what to expect and being prepared for postpartum is key. Many times new mothers don’t realize that they are not alone in feeling the vast emotions that can be present in the postpartum season. At the end of the book, there are several stories from mothers who share their postpartum experience. Each one with a different set of circumstances and outcomes. It is refreshing and hopeful to hear these stories and to know that you’re not alone. This book is a gem for any mother expecting or journeying through postpartum!


Babies, Bumps and Blues gives insight on what to expected after baby arrives. I would highly recommend this book as a must read for all moms-to-be as it is a Godsend for navigating the early bumps and blues of motherhood.