The King of Montréal

Young Adult - Adventure
176 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The King of Montréal is a young adult adventure by Daniela I. Norris. It's the year 1800. Louis-Charles is a fifteen-year-old teenager brought recently to Montréal by Basque fishermen who rescued him after the ship he was on, Freedom, sank in the Grand Banks off Nova Scotia. Unbeknownst to others, Charles belongs to an aristocratic family in France whose parents were murdered during the French Revolution. Charles managed to escape from prison in Paris and hopped on board the Freedom to sail to the 'new world,' alongside his tutor, Jules Badeau. He strikes up a burgeoning romance with an Irish immigrant girl named Roisin. But now, Charles must travel to New York City to find a certain Mr. Williams. Will he be able to return and reunite with Roisin?

Part historical fiction and part coming-of-age tale, The King of Montréal captivates from start to finish. The story follows a teenager's journey of self-discovery, where he finds a new family and the strength to move on from the past. Author Daniela I. Norris uses a non-linear narrative that switches back and forth between showing past events and Charles' present adventures. It provides readers with an absorbing backstory that draws from actual historical events, and even the main protagonist is based upon a famous French aristocrat. I really enjoyed Charles and Roisin's relationship, as well as Charles' friendships with Kariwase and Jacob Fast Deer. The ending leaves a couple of things ambiguous, which, to me, is fitting for the story. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it to readers of historical fiction and coming-of-age tales.