Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages (Tales of the East Book 3) by Faith Blum is a thriller of a story, revolving around one of King David’s minor-league sons, Chileab, who - despite having a crooked foot - plays the role of a prince trying to come to...
Rock of Ages (Tales of the East Book 3) by Faith Blum is a thriller of a story, revolving around one of King David’s minor-league sons, Chileab, who - despite having a crooked foot - plays the role of a prince trying to come to...
Retreat House by Sarah Yasin is a fiction thriller about a young woman, Holly, running a youth group to bring the youth of her congregation together. With the plans made to have a co-sleepover at Holly’s uncle’s old lake house, parents begin to take their...
Rise: A Blood Inheritance Novel is a dark fantasy novel for young and new adults written by M. Ainihi. Amanda’s dad always dreamed up the most amazing hiking weekend adventures for the two of them, and she was sure this Saturday’s trip would be no...
Angel and Skip would never have expected their school dance to end in a confrontation with three masked men in the parking lot. They definitely wouldn’t have thought that one of those men would give them a case full of money and tell them to...
Tiffany Brooks starts off The Shifting Reality Collection with Reality Gold. Reality Gold features Riley Ozaki, a high school student whose poorly thought out editorial goes viral and makes her a social outcast. To redeem herself, she joins a popular reality show that turns into...
Nathaniel’s always been a loser—his only friend is his sister, and girls want nothing to do with him. His mother is an alcoholic and prostitute, never there when he needs her, but provides money to support both him and his sister. His future looks bleak....
Resthaven by Erik Therme begins when Kaylee, a new girl in town, is forced by her mother to attend a classmate's birthday. She doesn't want to be there, and it's rather obvious the other girls don't want her there either. Jamie, a spoiled brat of...