If We Don't
If We Don’t by Jordie Cole is a dystopian novel that follows the life of Issa Cruz. It is an exciting and heartbreaking story about a young man who is thought to be the prophesied one. He is believed to be the boy who will...
If We Don’t by Jordie Cole is a dystopian novel that follows the life of Issa Cruz. It is an exciting and heartbreaking story about a young man who is thought to be the prophesied one. He is believed to be the boy who will...
The Space Between Fire and Ashes by Stephen McClellan is a beautiful young adult novel about acceptance, strength, and hope. Depressed, hopeless, and detached from everyone around him since his mother overdosed on meth, Aiden was not sure what his purpose was in life. Determined...
We Don't Matter by Juliet Rose is a coming-of-age story of a young man who discovered himself in the strangest of ways. Aidan was just 22 years old and was on his way to graduating from college. However, Aiden wasn’t so sure what he wanted...
Thin by Ann K. Morris is a coming-of-age story of a teenager who suffered from body image issues and how she overcame them with a little bit of love, understanding, and courage. Erin Post was obsessed with looking thin. On the surface, she was like...
The Hyrax Song (Pearls of Wisdom Series Book 2) is a work of fiction in the fantasy and adventure subgenres, and it forms the second installment of the series. This work by Catherine Ann Russell and artist Brooke Connor is intended for children. We follow...
Blood Ties: The King's Chosen by L. Waithman is a mid-grade coming of age fantasy adventure that revolves around a youth named Lucas, who finds himself alone and without a family after witnessing his father, bound and tied, die by the sword before his very...
The Skylight Fallout is a work of fiction in the science fiction and adventure subgenres, and it forms the second novel of the Skylight book series. It is intended for the young adult reading audience and was penned by author J. Wint. As this high-octane...
The Rise: A Prologue is the third book in the Ventures of Captain Xavior series by J.R. Leilies. All her life, Reine Xavior has been training to replace her father Zaul Xavior as Captain of Swan. Now that her initial training has finished, Zaul moves...
Growing Up: A Prologue is the second novel in The Ventures of Captain Xavior series by J.R. Leilies. The fate of the Xavior family is still under question. While The Federation aims at conquering as much of the galaxy as possible, Valhalla is the only...
Space Story by W.W. Marplot is the story of three unique characters escaping from a doomed Earth. At the helm is Professor Lully, a brilliant scientist who has made many enemies but he doesn’t care. He founded a company that partners with the government and...