Defining Moments
When tragedy strikes how will you cope with it? Will you admit you need help to deal with the crisis or will you attempt to deal with it on your own? Not everyone can afford a therapist even when they need one. Perhaps you were...
When tragedy strikes how will you cope with it? Will you admit you need help to deal with the crisis or will you attempt to deal with it on your own? Not everyone can afford a therapist even when they need one. Perhaps you were...
In "Silent Think Time: How to Bring Virtues Back into Our Home, Schools, Counseling and Work" Karen Zalubowski Stryker cleverly uses her expertise as a teacher, systems analyst and business owner. Ms Stryker has five college degrees: in psychology, computer science, art and two in...
Any author who wants to see his or her book up there in Amazon’s shop front needs to get this guide and implement the simple steps outlined to achieve marketing/sales success. Don’t think the length of the book means you won’t get the information you...
The love of her life, a dream come true, the man of her dreams, was Adrian, the gorgeous, charismatic rock star. He wanted her to be his life partner. Noelle couldn’t believe her luck. It was too good to be true. Just months into...
"Your Soul’s Gift" by Robert Schwartz is memoir, self-help, and philosophy bound together as one book. Schwartz begins his book by sharing some things from his early years. He was severely and emotionally abused by his mother but he says: "I planned this abuse before...
In her book "The Key to a RICHER Life" Benedicte Frölich takes the reader on a journey of personal growth through making better choices, accepting personal responsibility for the things that happen, and having the courage to pursue dreams, no matter what others have to...
"The Upside of Down Times" by Lisa Ryan should be compulsory reading. A few pages into the book you realize that if we all lived by its principles then not only would we be much happier but the world would be a far nicer place....
Tom Ufert begins his book "Adversity Builds Character: A Second Chance" by discussing his birth and childhood. Like most of us growing up in that era, he was exposed to the viciousness of war on the television. Parents did not censor children’s viewing habits in...
Rajappan begins his book "The Illuminator: Access to Universal Intelligence" with an introduction in which he discusses “feeling good in moments of pressure.” He stresses that we should not allow situations surrounding us to control the way we feel. As we delved farther into the...
"Have Fun & Get It Done: Graduate From a Top University in 3 Years or Less Without Being a Genius," written by Jenee Ariel Dana, is a must-have for all high school juniors and seniors who are college bound! Split into short chapters focusing on...