Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
In Phoenix Revived by Judy McCluney, classified as young adult reading, we meet a group of teens and parents living in South Phoenix where they must fight prejudice as regards immigration, and the environment as regards oil refineries. These are the big issues that add...
Seeing Red by Claudia Ricci is a work of literary fiction that revolves around the life of a woman named Ronda. Ronda's youth and her evolution as a promising dancer start Ricci's novel off. Ronda's story begins to really take flight following a date she...
Expraedium is a work of fiction in the literary, cultural, and critical thinking subgenres. It is best suited to mature readers for its complex content and the use of explicit language throughout and was penned by Armen Melikian. In this explosive work which tackles heated...
The Lapone Sisters is a work of fiction in the impersonal drama and nostalgia subgenres. It is best suited to the adult reading audience and was penned by Barry Wilker. In this charming and highly enjoyable drama set largely in the summer of 1976, Wilker...
In a Nut’s Hell: Literary Doodles by Jim Wood is a zany, quirky, and utterly unexpected series of humorous stories that will make the reader laugh, roll their eyes in glee at the intentional absurdity of each story, and eagerly turn the pages for more....
Embers on the Wind by Lisa Williamson Rosenberg is a captivating literary fiction novel that unravels at the historic Whittaker House, which was run as part of the Underground Railroad by a family of abolitionists of the same name in 1850. Here, freedom seekers Clementine...
Reach: A Nexus Of Life And Love by Jerry Gundersheimer is an emotional, tear-jerker about love and life. Ernie Resnick fell in love with Ava Winkler when he was 11 years old. Her blue eyes drew him in, and before he knew it, they were...
The Bookseller is a work of fiction in the historical, cultural, and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and was penned by author Nikolai Gordonovich. In this gripping drama with much to say about Russia and the Cold...
The Other Shoes of Larry Martin: On Becoming Laurie Roberts is a work of fiction by Pavane Ravel in the interpersonal drama and political intrigue subgenres and is the second book in a continuing series. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience...