Zachary and the Great Potato Catastrophe

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Zachary and the Great Potato Catastrophe by Junia Wonders is a children's picture book about animals. Zachary the rat lives beneath the bakery and every night he ventured above ground to eat a delicious pastry. Just one, though, or the baker would notice. His rat friends want a taste, but Zachary shoos them all away. One night, Zachary finds a sack of potatoes, and he takes one to store in his home. Every night, he takes more, even though his friends warn him of trouble ahead. Zachary doesn't listen, but he's about to learn the hard way of what greed can lead to. But he also learns another lesson – can you guess what it is?

Zachary and the Great Potato Catastrophe by Junia Wonders is a fun story with a serious message for young readers. The illustrations by Guilia Lombardo are expertly drawn and colorful and help kids see the events as they read. This story teaches kids two things: greed doesn't pay, and sharing and friendship are far more important in life. The characters are cute, with one main naughty one, and, like all good kids' stories, it has a happy ending. The story teaches youngsters that when they think about stepping off the right path in life, they should listen to their friends who try to put them back on it. Zachary and the Great Potato Catastrophe is written in rhyme, which makes it fun and easy to follow. I recommend this story to young readers everywhere.