Trail of the Shapeshifter

Young Adult - Mystery
440 Pages
Reviewed on 05/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Trail of the Shapeshifter by C.E. Lovick follows three high school students, Elias, Jess, and Charlie, as they team up to save the world. Lucifer gave Dr. Viktor Corvinus the task of looking for the Devil's Pearl, a valuable gem. Dr. Corvinus cast a spell on Bobby, causing him to be possessed by a demon that changes shape. The demon wanted to find the gem that would unleash Hell on Earth. Through nightmares, Elias was sent to the Dark Realm, which was created by Dr. Corvinus to torture and destroy his enemies. Elias was granted special powers by memories planted in his mind to free those who suffered and annihilate the Dark Realm. With the help of Professor Quincy and Millie, the white witch, the friends had to find the gem before Dr. Corvinus.

Trail of the Shapeshifter is set in Monarch, a small town in Wyoming. C.E. Lovick created a world of adventure, brutality, hope, and the supernatural. The story was fast-paced and jam-packed with action. It was hard to put down, and I could not turn the pages fast enough. I was hooked from the start and had to know what would happen next. The illustrations and maps depicting the town and its surrounding geography provided me with a clearer understanding of the situation. Each well-developed character has unique qualities that come to light as the story progresses. Throughout the plot, Elias gives his all to protect Jess and Charlie, and they overcome many obstacles. The story was expertly written and much more than I expected. I cannot wait to read the next book.