The Mystery of Jessica Benson

Fiction - Mystery - General
220 Pages
Reviewed on 01/26/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristie Ingerto for Readers' Favorite

"The Mystery of Jessica Benson," a novel written by C.K. Laurence, is a steamy, suspenseful and eventful read. The story begins at a party in Miami. Jessica is gorgeous and the attention of many although she has a boyfriend and wants her football player boyfriend, Kyle, to be exclusive. Kyle is older and at a different stage in life than Jessica and he breaks up with Jessica as a result. When Jessica is found dead, of course Kyle is a prime suspect. Will and Karen are partners trying to solve this crime; however, there is more to the murder and the mystery than they thought and their hearts are becoming involved as well.

This is a fast-moving story filled with many twists and turns throughout it. The football storyline is a great addition to the core story and the author obviously knows much about the sport. The setting of the story, Miami, is the perfect backdrop to the story and I was transported there while reading the book. My opinion of Kyle changed throughout the story as I was able to learn more about him as he interacted with the other characters - Jessica, Karen, and other football players. With each interaction with various characters a different facet of him is brought out making him an excellent main character. This is an exciting, fast-paced read and although it has more vulgar language than I prefer, it is a good love story and mystery.