James R. Anthony

The Banker Who Shaped Florida's History

Non-Fiction - Biography
196 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

James R. Anthony: The Banker Who Shaped Florida's History by Victor DiGenti explores the life and contributions of Florida businessman James Rembert Anthony, whose remarkable career traversed retail, real estate, banking, and insurance. DiGenti contextualizes Anthony's role within the broader historical narrative, featuring figures like Hamilton Disston, Henry Flagler, and William S. Witham, whose banking innovations influenced Florida’s economic landscape. DiGenti details the rise and fall of banking stability in Florida during the 1920s, including Anthony's strategic retirement before the 1926 banking crisis, ultimately illustrating Anthony's lasting impact on Florida’s business history and regulatory environment.

James R. Anthony by Victor DiGenti looks extensively into the life of a man who significantly influenced Florida's financial landscape during a transformative era. I went into the book knowing nothing at all about Anthony, let alone Florida's financial foundations, yet I found it particularly interesting as a reader who works in finance. The book provides a deep dive into Anthony's ventures, including his strategic decisions in banking and real estate, and the hurdles he faced in working through the particularly gritty financial world of the 1920s. I liked reading about Liberty magazine, which a quick Google showed was kind of a big deal. DiGenti’s encyclopedic writing style maintains a factual, non-objective tone, providing a comprehensive view of Anthony’s life and the broader economic forces at play. While the narrative can feel dense at times, it is a treasure trove for anyone interested in financial history, offering valuable insights into the resilience and innovation of Anthony's legacy.