The Fall

Fiction - Thriller - General
500 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In The Fall, a thriller by Albert Jaskula, after the tragic loss of his wife and daughter, private investigator Ariel Fall attempts to move on. Ariel tries to leave behind the memories that threatened to trap him, and it is harder than expected for him to find atonement. Ariel learns about the widespread corruption at the core of the London police department as he explores the mysteries of the Lavender Killer, the League of Damned, and the infamous Dirty Joe. Ariel is forced to face his limitations and consider the efficacy of conventional methods in a world where morality and rules are hazy. Ariel struggles with the consequences of his choices, and he must navigate dangerous waters where every decision feels like a waking nightmare with the threat of failure hanging over her head.

The pace in The Fall is fast and entertaining, and it had me eagerly flipping through the pages. Albert Jaskula’s writing style is engaging and easy to read. I was hooked from the start and guessing until the end. The events were vivid, detailed, and at times gross. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages as fast as I could. I could not put this book down and had to know what would happen next. The characters were well-developed and robust. Each had a distinct personality and was easy to relate to. The story is brilliantly written, and I did not see the twist coming at the end. It was unexpected and a big surprise. It was exciting reading this story, and it exceeded my expectations by far.