Summer of the Waxman

Christian - Thriller
398 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Summer of the Waxman by Brent Brantley is a compelling story of unconditional love, faith, the power of resilience, and forgiveness. The protagonist, Deke Campbell, returns to his hometown to take up a deputy position in the sheriff’s office, where he works alongside a childhood friend. As the story unfolds, he meets a mysterious local character known as the Waxman. Unbeknownst to Deke, this summer will change his life through making new friends in the community, a romance, and a link to his past involving this strange character. These experiences will lead Deke on a journey of personal growth, forgiveness, and a heightened attunement to his inner strength.

I immensely enjoyed this book and appreciated the writing style, the plot, the key themes, and the character development. In Summer of the Waxman, Brent Brantley explores the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and moral dilemmas. Brantley’s characters portray emotional depth and relatable personal experiences, showing authentic aspects of human life. We all experience some kind of internal struggle in our daily lives, but what helps us come through this is our faith, resilience, and the help of the community. This story prompted me to reflect on the decisions that I make, especially concerning people I might not like. By the end of the book, I kept asking myself if I would act like Deke when faced with a similar situation. I highly recommend this book to fans of thrillers, and readers looking to reconnect with their inner strength and grow their faith.