
Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1

Children - Animals
107 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1 is a beautiful, fast-paced, fantastical adventure. Feather Chelle combines a unique story with interesting facts about some of the spectacular species in the ocean. It follows a team of dolphin riders who live on an ancient, secret island called the Isle of Cetacea. The members are very special children. They are immortal and have magnificent dolphins as companions. They have magical powers, like miraculous healing, teleporting anywhere in the world, speaking to all animals, freezing time, and more. The Dolphin Riders have a sacred duty to rescue those in need. Recently, they learned that the Great Sickness of Old has returned to the Atlantic Ocean, and many sea creatures have fallen ill and are in great danger. Now Cherish and her family of Pilot Whales need their help.

Stranded was a delightful surprise. I enjoyed learning about the magical Isle of Cetacea and its sacred oaths, the Dolphin Riders and their steeds, and the real marine life. This touching tale contains action, danger, and suspense, as well as valuable information about Bottlenose Dolphins, Great White Sharks, Killer Whales (Orcas), Leopard Sharks, Echolocation, Kelp Forests, the Morbillivirus, and many more. Feather Chelle has written a gripping story packed with amazing photos. Some unfamiliar words are in bold and defined in a glossary found toward the end of this book. Any young reader who loves dolphins or is a real marine life lover will cherish this book. You can now join a group of immortal children and their noble dolphin steeds on a quest to stop a horrible sickness from spreading.