Split Second Solution

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
244 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2016
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Author Biography

Denny Taylor is the Founder & CEO of Garn Press. Her greatest pleasure is supporting writers of every age and mentoring young women scholars. She regards science, philosophy, and the arts inseparable, and she is an activist dedicated to raising concerns about the future of humanity. An award winning researcher and writer, Denny Taylor is the author of 16 books including non-fiction and fiction, novels and children's books. Her family literacy research is used in almost all U.N. Member States.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

Split Second Solution is an urban fantasy novel written by Denny Taylor. It was the year 2022, and Word had just thrown herself into the Hudson River to evade the Sick-Reapers. She was resigned to drowning but suddenly found herself on the stone stairs leading to the Old Crone's hut. Death had found her in the split second before Word’s demise and brought her to sanctuary. The Crone was used to seeing into the future and was taken aback by this unforeseen event. Death, the Crone’s only friend, appeared in different guises, sometimes as a cat, at other times a bat or a pop star. The two of them were not of this world, and the momentary presence of a dying girl was confusing and definitely out of the ordinary. Then her boyfriend suddenly appeared at the door as well. But Cat had not managed that feat, and neither she nor the Crone could not fathom how he had arrived there. One thing that was immediately apparent was that his mind had been hacked by the authorities, so Cat crawled into it to break the connection. The boy's name was X-it, and he and the girl had been together for 14 years, ever since he had found her hiding underneath the evacuation bus he was to board. At first, they lived with Grann, an elderly woman who knew exactly what to do to spirit the last living Truth Keeper and her precious package out of Louisiana and into New York.

Denny Taylor's futuristic urban fantasy, Split Second Solution, supposes a very different world albeit less than a decade away, but one that's all too frighteningly plausible considering today's culture. Taylor paints a gloomy picture of a repressive country where books and reading become crimes punishable by death; where knowledge is a crime. Ginger Tom, the political force behind the change, is eerily reminiscent of at least one political figure now in a somewhat shaky ascendance, and his followers seem all too pleased with eschewing knowledge in favor of mindless obedience. I loved following Word and X-it's story as they describe those tense moments getting on the bus while guards are searching for her, and getting to know Grann, the elderly Cajun woman who outwits them all and takes the two children under her wing was marvelous. So much happens as time literally stands still in that split second remaining of Word's life, and the final resolution is anything but certain in this thought-provoking and unique tale. Split Second Solution challenges your imagination and makes you see the world and its potential in an entirely different light. It's most highly recommended.

Samantha Dewitt (Rivera)

The danger for Word is greater than even she can imagine and, together with Et, X-it and Death, it’s impossible to know what she may be able to accomplish or even what she may need to accomplish. Her story is a long and convoluted one and it’s definitely going to take time to truly comprehend, especially when it comes to all of their plans for the future, if there even is a future to plan for. The Sick-Reapers are going to come looking for them, and it’s only a matter of time before they have to let the one split second they have go, and be found once and for all in Split Second Solution by Denny Taylor.

This book really draws you in from the start. You see the world that they live in and how things could change in just an instant if they are not careful. There’s a lot going on in this futuristic novel. The characters are realistic and you feel like you’re slowly uncovering who they are and the important things about them. The more you read, the more you learn and you still feel like you want to know a whole lot more. I loved this book and I would love to read the next one in the series as well. This is just the introduction to the story and it draws you in, but really leaves you wanting a whole lot more in Split Second Solution by Denny Taylor.

Maria Beltran

Set in 2022 Louisiana and New York, Denny Taylor’s Split Second Solution unravels with a neurotic old crone having supper in front of a hearth, accompanied only by its flames and her paranoia. And then we find out that she has lived alone for the last five hundred years. There's a noise at the door and we get to meet Death, appearing as a cat. What follows is a darkly fascinating tale involving a man and a woman who are suspended in the split second between life and death. Split Second Solution is a dark fable with villains like Sick-Reapers and A.I.s (for Artificial Intelligence) on a rampage in New York, and the world is about to end.

Split Second Solution is a futuristic fable and a surreal love story that is as enigmatic as it is eerily factual. Dystopian in a unique way, the novel mixes myth and science in such a way that we don’t know where myth ends and science starts or is it the other way around? Here is a couple stuck in the split second between life and death in a place where time does not really exist. Theirs is a strange love story that seems incongruous as they are hosted by the cranky old crone who is really not who we think she is. All the characters in the story are strange and mysterious, but as the plot unfolds they slowly become real, even human. A very fascinating read!

Kris Moger

Split Second Solution by Denny Taylor is one of the most interesting and unique stories I have read in a long time. It reminds me of the works of Neil Gaiman--especially the Sandman Series. The story centres on a young woman named Word, whose life was saved at the last split second by Death, a wonderful and strange character in her own right. Caught with Word in that last split second is X-it, a young man determined to save her. Together, and with the help of several other great characters, they struggle to survive and save the world.

In Split Second Solution, Denny Taylor has created a unique love story filled with mystery, science, and myth. This story is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Rarely do I devour a book in a single sitting, but Split Second Solution kept me wanting to know more. While I loved every character, my favourite is Death, who shifts in her appearance from a cat to David Bowie and a range of people in between. The dialogue and pacing keeps the reader wanting to know more, and the writing is vivid yet concise, created with a well-crafted use of words. Aside from being well written, this story also presents many ideas that are completely relevant to our world today. I highly recommend Split Second Solution to anyone who loves a tale well told that challenges the reader as it entertains. A great read.

Jefto Pierre

Denny Taylor's dystopian fantasy, Split Second Solution, starts in Louisiana and New York in 2022. The main character, Word, is being hunted by Ginger Tom and his minions, Lunatic Eight and Sick-Reapers. They are aided by a powerful AI that can hack human consciousness. These formidable baddies are fast on the heels of Word. She is the Last Truth Keeper with the key to restoring freedom and balance to their chaotic world. To evade her persecutors, Word leaps into the Hudson River, preparing for the worst. Death splits the last second of her life and takes her to safety in the Old Crone's home. Word's boyfriend, X-it, vows to safeguard her at any cost. However, he has been compromised, and so has she. Old Crone, Death, and Grann become Word's guides and protectors since she is needed to complete an essential task. The fate of the world rests on her shoulders. With her life hanging by a thread, will Word live to see balance restored? The key takeaway is this--the future is in our hands.

Split Second Solution is a unique blend of dark fantasy, dystopia, apocalyptic, time travel, mystery, romance, and science fiction. Fantasy lovers are in luck! This novel has everything you want in a fantasy. The plot is fast-paced, energetic, and wholly captivating. It hooks you and reels you in, one chapter at a time. By the end of the book, you'll wish the story didn't have to end. I love the depiction of each character, both good and bad, because they all add their unique energies, quirks, and personalities to the story. They're all believable and relatable in their ways. Not only will readers be captivated by the sci-fi aspects, but also by the emotional intensity of the characters as their narratives unfold. Death, in all its forms, is the most fascinating character of all. He/she will burrow into your heart and create a home there. Overall, the storyline is vibrant, intriguing, creative, and well-expressed. If you love movies like Blade Runner and The Matrix, you'll love this compelling dystopian read.