Space Elves Defend Their Planet

Children - Picture Book
24 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

You should consider this book if you have kids who are confused about recent world conflicts. Space Elves Defend Their Planet, by Lamar Golden and Liana Golden, is an illustrated children’s story about a greedy elf who chooses to invade another planet. Lord Droxy’s forces are powerful and he thinks he can simply get what he wants by his threats. But he ends up with a war that impacts his world too, bringing the conflict to his front door. The book describes the varied stages that Lord Ruffles goes through, trying to save his planet from the invaders, but unfortunately, all of his efforts are in vain. The dedication of the book is directed to those hurt by the Ukranian/Russia and Israel/Hamas conflicts.

The artwork is bright, colorful, and tasteful, even during the war events. It does not glorify war or the results but reminds us that war is never the solution, not the way to solve our conflicts with each other. Fortunately, remnants of Lord Ruffles’ world are transported to another world, so not all is lost. But their way of life is changed forever, which happens during wartime. When children can understand the terrible costs of war from an early age, this can help set the stage for them to be a force for peace instead of aggression and bullying. Space Elves Defend Their Planet, by Lamar Golden and Liana Golden, is a cautionary tale that is nonetheless needed in our times. This book is highly recommended.

Pikasho Deka

Space Elves Defend Their Planet is a short and illustrated children's sci-fi story by Lamar Golden and Liana Golden. In the far reaches of space lived a race of elves on Planet Doom. The ruler of Planet Doom, Lord Droxy, wanted to expand his empire and set his sights on the neighboring Planet Rain. He sent space mail to Lord Ruffles of Planet Rain, asking him to surrender within six days or risk war. In turn, Lord Ruffles sends a message to Chief Solarium of Planet Hope, seeking his help to save innocent lives. Lord Solarium soon arrives on Planet Rain and takes more than half of the population with him to Planet Hope, offering them sanctuary. A fully-fledged war ensues, and Planet Rain and Planet Doom are both destroyed. However, the elves still survive on Planet Hope.

Space Elves Defend Their Planet is an action-packed tale. Authors Lamar and Liana Golden don't take too much time to get the reader into the scheme of things, plotting a captivating narrative that keeps you absorbed all the way through. The story draws inspiration from real-world events, introducing young readers to the ramifications of war in a way that makes sense for their ages. The two main characters -- Lord Droxy and Lord Doom -- have opposite personalities. Readers will also find Chief Solarium likable, as his efforts save countless lives during the war. The illustrations ensure the story is easily digestible for young readers. Overall, I found the book engaging and recommend it to readers below the age of ten.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

No one wins a war. After all the devastation and lost lives, what else is there to salvage? In Lamar Golden and Liana Golden’s Space Elves Defend Their Planet, the elves of Planet Doom are set to invade Planet Rain, for no other reason than to conquer. Most of the elves of Planet Rain evacuate, but the devastation that ensues means there will be no going home – there’s nothing left to go home to. However, there is always hope and there is the courage to fight for that hope, to believe in what could be even if it seems impossible at the time. And that’s what happens to the elves of Planet Rain – they hope and they fight. What they have in the end is each other.

Lamar Golden and Liana Golden’s early reader, Space Elves Defend Their Planet, is a riveting adventure about courage, hope, and the power of friendship. The plot begins with the evil plan of one planet to invade another and follows the threats and battles to the end. The language is simple so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills. The illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and add another dimension to the story. The important thing about this story is the message: that wars never solve anything. Set in a mythical distant realm, with elves as the main characters, this is a story that will appeal to young science fiction readers, those who love a good adventure and have the power of imagination to immerse themselves in the story. A great read.

Ann Linus

Planet Rain is a flourishing planet in outer space, full of greenery and lovely elves. One bright day, the elf leader of Planet Doom, Lord Droxy, decides to take over Planet Rain for no valid reason. Lord Droxy sends a warning mail to Lord Ruffles of Planet Rain, asking him to surrender to Planet Doom or get ready for war. Lord Ruffles tries to reason with Lord Droxy but to no avail. As a leader with the people’s interests at heart, Lord Ruffles evacuates the majority of his people to Planet Hope, while the remaining stay back to defend their planet. Space Elves Defend Their Planet by Lamar Golden and Liana Golden tells a story about love and war.

Space Elves Defend Their Planet is a sci-fi picture book about the outcome of war. The story is set in outer space, and the characters are fictional, but the themes—power, love, and war—apply to humans. On the face of it, the story seems to be just another action story, but beyond that, it is an illustrated reality. What Lord Droxy and Lord Ruffles did to each other’s planets is no different from what I’ve been seeing in the news concerning the wars that have been raging for the past couple of years. I liked the unconventional ending of this children’s book because it was realistic. I also liked the large and vivid illustrations by Meritxell Andreu Studio. Space Elves Defend Their Planet by Lamar Golden and Liana Golden is an entertaining and educational book, and I recommend it.