Sophie and the Swans

Children - Grade K-3rd
36 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Swans are beautiful birds that mate for life. In Holly Peppe’s Sophie and the Swans, Sophie helps a bully learn that kindness is a much better way of life. Sophie named a pair of swans Romeo and Juliet. One day, the swans are honking as if something is wrong, and Sophie sees a boy throwing stones at them. Sophie sees past Ned’s behavior and realizes he is a bully because other kids make fun of him for having to wear glasses. Later, Sophie meets Ned’s younger brother, and together they show Ned kindness when he is stranded in the middle of the lake. What kind of trouble is Ned in, and why do Sophie and Sam show kindness to the bully? Does kindness change Ned from a bully to a nice guy? Kindness is always the best response, even if someone is not kind to you.

Holly Peppe understands that most bullies are struggling with emotional wounds. In Sophie and the Swans, Holly helps children learn that bullies are people who are hurting and need a little kindness in their lives. In this children’s picture book, Sophie shares her mom’s advice to always treat others kindly, even if they are unkind. Aeron Cargill's illustrations are great. In a world full of judgment and condemnation, Holly shows the wonderful power of kindness and how it can change a person’s life. Spend time reading this book with your children and discussing the various ways they can show kindness. While talking with your children, remember to explain to them when it is better to walk away from a bully instead of putting yourself in danger. When your children see that smiling and helping someone in need can change their lives, they will become hooked on being kind.