Sins of the Father


Romance - Suspense
304 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Sins of the Father by Nikki Landis is a romantic suspense novel set in the gritty world of motorcycle clubs. Edge, the son of a disgraced former president of the Ravage Riders MC, returns home after three years in prison, determined to restore his club and reclaim his lost love, Rae. As tensions rise between the Ravage Riders and their rivals, Satan’s Outlaws, Edge finds himself embroiled in a deadly turf war while uncovering dark secrets from his father's past. With danger closing in, Edge must navigate betrayal, violence, and his own demons to protect those he loves. Landis offers her readers a gripping and fast-paced narrative that keeps them hooked in every chapter, packed with intense action and high emotional stakes for the rugged hero and his lost love. This concept immediately warms readers to Edge, and his chequered past is an exciting prospect to begin the story.

Nikki Landis’s portrayal of complex, flawed characters is realistically penned, making their struggles and triumphs feel authentic and relatable through a close narration of their every thought and action. I felt like I knew all the intricate reasons why Edge acted the way he did, even when it seemed shocking, and getting to know him on such a deep level made me invested in the tale’s outcomes with Rae and his family drama. The pacing offers plenty of suspense and romance to split up the action and vary the excitement, balancing the tension of a high-stakes biker war with the passionate connection that readers can’t help but love. Overall, I would certainly recommend Sins of the Father to fans of exciting romantic dramas that throw them right into the center of the action.