Queens of Moirai

Descendants of The Fates Book 1

Fiction - Mythology
383 Pages
Reviewed on 04/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Delene Vrey for Readers' Favorite

Queens of Moirai (Descendants of The Fates Book 1) by Rhiannon Hargadon is a riveting and intoxicating retelling of the myth of the Fates. Morena has been locked in the Tower of Grace Castel for as long as she can remember. Losing her two siblings to the cruelty of their mother, the Queen of the Blood Throne, she becomes the assassin her mother needs. What else can she do? After all, she is the last descendant of the Fate Atropos, Death herself. Surrounded by Cullen, the undead soldiers of the Queen, she perfects her art as a killer and interrogator, seeing no other life in her future. But then, as she had dreamed, a strong and handsome prince arrives, claiming that the Queen will let her leave with him as her betrothed. When what he says comes true, she instinctively trusts him, and in a moment of naive innocence, she binds their lives together with her power over death. She realizes her true power as she takes her place with Serena and Vitess, the other Fates. Together, the three Fates and friends set out to stop Malinda and the insatiable appetites of the Cullen.

Queens of Moirai by Rhiannon Hargadon is a wonderful, gripping, new adult, mythological retelling of the three sisters who had power over even the gods of Olympus. The author successfully created a contrasted milieu in which the bright and sunny world where Serena and Vitess live juxtaposes the dark and decaying world where Morena lives in Grace Castle. As the story develops, many themes are touched upon, and the most apparent is that of being truthful and open as opposed to keeping secrets and lying about one's intentions. Manipulation and deception are a permanent undercurrent present in all the characters. Death never had a more tragic beginning nor a more exciting journey in bringing balance back to the world her ancestors left in chaos. Love and betrayal add unexpected drama to a story clad in shadows and hidden agendas; there is no way to predict where the plot will lead or who will triumph in the complex and intertwined relationships of the Fates and their companions. Readers should note that as this is a dark adult retelling, there are instances of violence, abuse, suicide, torture, and death. These instances are treated with the care necessary so that it has a central place in shaping the characters and plot. This was one of those books I could not put down; finding a gem amongst the plethora of fantasy and paranormal fiction available today is refreshing. Anyone who loves Sarah J. Maas and fantasy with strong but vulnerable characters will love Queens of Moirai. This is a creatively written and well-thought-out novel. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Miche Arendse

The mad Queen of the Blood Throne sentenced every one of her children to an early icy grave; that is, for all but three. Queens of Moirai by Rhiannon Hargadon follows Morena, as she and her siblings are raised in the tower surrounded by nothing but monsters including the most fearsome of all, their own mother. When her siblings are taken from her one at a time, Morena is left alone, so when a man claiming to be her betrothed arrives at the tower, she eagerly agrees to go with him. Can Morena overcome all the challenges she faces as a descendant of the Fates or will the burdens she bears be too much?

Queens of Moirai: Descendants of The Fates Book 1 by Rhiannon Hargadon is such a unique take on Greek mythology, focusing on the Fates more so than the more referenced gods. I loved how Hargadon put such an interesting twist on their abilities and their place in the world. We get to see how their abilities and responsibilities as descendants of the Fates cause such tremendous burdens and put them in situations where they find themselves struggling. Being the focus of this book and being the descendant of Atropos, Morena gave the story even more layers and depth to the overall plot. Honestly, there is so much I want to unpack about this book but I don’t want to give away too much. All I will say is that Queens of Moirai is beautifully written with amazing world-building and character development. Anyone who loves Greek mythology will absolutely love this book.

Nino Lobiladze

Morena is an immortal descendant of Atropos, one of the three Fates, representing death. Morena inherited some of her gruesome abilities, and even her own mother, Malinda, the Mad Queen of the Blood Throne, wanted to get rid of Morena. But after one of the servants, Nico, dug baby Morena out of the grave, Malinda decided to keep the girl prisoner in the tower of the horrible Grace Castle. Morena tries to protect her loved ones and dreams of a fair prince who will come to rescue her. Her monstrous mother forces Morena to kill for her dreadful purposes. But even Malinda, with her army of undead Cullen, must obey fate. Morena is promised to Elijah from the House of Lachesis, and the three Fates should be reunited to rule Moirai. Will her destiny be fulfilled, and will Morena finally find the love she deserves? Queens of Moirai by Rhiannon Hargadon, the first book in a series, is a thrilling read for mature fans of epic and dark fantasy novels based on mythology and romance.

Queens of Moirai is a dark tale, but it's excitingly dark and doesn't leave a disturbing aftertaste. Complemented by Lao Lan's amazing illustrations, this story has a deep meaning. Rhiannon Hargadon tells us that sometimes we need darkness to see the light. "Having any freedom, even a little, was more than I was accustomed to. It didn't fit, like a shoe that was too loose," contemplates the main character. The author explores the idea of freedom and offers the metaphor of the castle, asking us if it is a prison or a refuge for Morena. It is impossible not to root for Morena, who is always honest with herself. Bringing destruction, she tries to keep her heart trusting and kind. Queens of Moirai is narrated mainly from Morena's point of view. Her self-irony and dark humor reveal how fragile her soul is. Rhiannon crafts a marvelous and unusual love story full of intrigue and invites us into the labyrinth of illusions. The author presents Greek mythology from an interesting standpoint, mixes it with Celtic folklore, and creates a unique setting for the events to unfold. I loved every page of this compelling and meaningful book.