Prayerful Warrior Mom

Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey

Christian - Living
282 Pages
Reviewed on 11/19/2023
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Author Biography

Tracy Ripley is a devoted wife, mother, and stepmother to four wonderful children. Her youngest child's diagnosis with congenital heart disease (CHD) in 2013 profoundly shaped her family's life and faith. Tracy attributes her unwavering faith to the trials they have faced, and her inspiring testimony has brought hope and awareness to many other families navigating the challenges of CHD.
After a robust 27-year career in accounting and finance, Tracy decided to follow her childhood dream of becoming a published author. This brave leap has allowed her to blend her professional discipline with her passion for storytelling. Her writing often reflects her deep faith and the resilience she has cultivated through her personal experiences.
Tracy’s debut book, Prayerful Warrior Mom, won the Gold Medal in the 2024 Readers Favorite Christian Living Category and has also won Honorable Mention in the Spiritual category of the prestigious Eric Hoffer International Book Award. Her work explores themes of faith, perseverance, and hope, resonating deeply with readers and providing comfort and inspiration to those on similar journeys.
Living in Northeast Ohio with her supportive husband Rob, to whom she has been married for 25 years, Tracy finds joy in community involvement. She actively contributes to the Christian Education group at her church and is a dedicated fan at her children's sporting events.
Follow Tracy on social media and sign up for her mailing list at to stay updated on her latest releases, helpful resources, and to connect with a community of support.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

After having her daughter, Tracy thought her second pregnancy would be easier, but God had other plans for her and her family. The first sign that things would be different was the abnormal results of her first-trimester screening. Luckily, they were ruled out as possible false readings. Tracy did her best to balance her pregnancy and work until the birth of her son, Bryce. Unfortunately, her son was born with a congenital heart condition that would change her family’s life forever. The author felt guilty, but over time, God healed her soul and helped her discover His purpose for her life. In Prayerful Warrior Mom, Tracy A. Ripley narrates how her family's turbulent journey made them stronger mentally and spiritually. She shares the lessons that helped her cope with her son's illness in her career, social and family life, and relationship with God.

Prayerful Warrior Mom made me wonder how many tragedies a person can take before they break, and how believing in God's word and continuously seeking Him in prayer can give the peace that surpasses human understanding. Tracy A. Ripley uses a calm and engaging tone, which showcases her spiritual maturity and peace with the tragedies that befell her family. Whenever she was on the verge of breaking, God gave her a verse, a song, or a revelation that helped her through. The book has beautiful designs that make it appealing to read and profound lessons that can be applied in different areas of your life. I loved reading this book and I think both believers and non-believers can read it and appreciate its message. We all go through trying moments, and a story like this can give us encouraging lessons. Get a copy of this book to read this inspiring story of a prayerful mother, a brave son, a supportive family, and the amazing power of God in their lives.

Adanna Ora

Every pregnant woman’s dream is to deliver a healthy baby after nine months of an already stressful and arduous journey. Nothing in this world could have prepared Tracy A. Ripley for the shocking news of her baby boy being diagnosed with congenital heart disease a few hours after his birth. This news doesn’t just come as a shock; it comes with a change of lifestyle, the sacrifice of long work hours, financial drain, and the torture of seeing an innocent child go through excruciating pain regularly. For Tracy, a successful finance expert, and Christian, this was a lot. There were so many things that she could not understand at the time, and explaining them to her 4-year-old daughter, Reyna, was not easy either. Join Tracy on this faith-based journey in her book Prayerful Warrior Mom, where she navigates life hurdles with her hero son, Bryce, and overcomes them.

Prayerful Warrior Mom is written with such care and fine details that readers are carried along every step of the way and feel all the emotions in the story. I love the way the author is honest about the challenges she faced and shows us how she overcame them. One of the things that stood out in Tracy’s journey was her unwavering faith and dependence on God. Prayerful Warrior Mom is replete with Bible passages and prayers that could help parents in similar situations keep their hopes alive and build their faith in God in trying times. My most remarkable lesson was the importance of a strong support system. It makes all the difference and makes the burden lighter, and I am so glad that Tracy got to experience that. I recommend Prayerful Warrior Mom to all parents of children with congenital heart disorders or any major health challenges in general. There are tips here that will bless your life and make the journey more bearable for you. Kudos to Tracy A. Ripley on this book.

Amy Raines

In Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child’s Congenital Heart Journey by Tracy A. Ripley, while facing the possibility of her baby being born with a serious illness, Tracy finds strength in her faith. After birth, the doctors found that her son had a heart murmur. The baby had been born with a bicuspid valve, which means it only has two compartments instead of three. Even after he was released, there were many more tests and hospital visits to endure. Through all of the fear and worry, Tracy remained strong by praying and putting her trust in God’s will, especially as the date of the baby’s surgery approached.

Prayerful Warrior Mom is an inspiring story that emphasizes a mother’s love during her child’s illness. There are many people out there who could benefit from reading this book to gain more insight into how to cope with the fear and grief that comes with seeing a child go through so much. I love that Tracy A. Ripley remained strong for her family and her new baby by giving it over to God and relying on her faith to see them through the difficult times. I recommend Prayerful Warrior Mom to anyone who enjoys a memoir from which they can learn many different things, including how to cope with traumatic experiences. This book will definitely help others realize that they are not alone. I hope that Ripley writes more books like this one that will help guide others to see the miracles and signs that God puts in their path, regardless of the situation.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Prayerful Warrior Mom is a spiritual and medical memoir by Tracy A. Ripley. The book follows her family's journey dealing with her son Bryce’s Congenital Heart issues. She hopes more families will read this book and be encouraged by her story. At fourteen hours old, Bryce had a heart murmur that led to a series of surgeries spanning ten years. These procedures tested the author’s family spiritually and physically. Tracy underwent a transformation that helped her understand the healing power and grace of God, and by surrendering to His will and letting Him lead, she found peace and comfort through the storm. Get a copy of this book and be inspired by this family's steadfast faithfulness.

Prayerful Warrior Mom is an emotional story that will make you reflect on the amazing power of prayer. Tracy A. Ripley’s honesty and vulnerability make this book an authentic and unique read. Her ability to keep the reader glued to her story even as she narrates one tragedy after another is a testament to her outstanding writing. Little details like her noticing that her son did not have a name, even when he was connected to many machines after his birth, will pierce your heart and make readers relate to her pain and helplessness. She gives encouraging lessons throughout the book that people can use when facing any calamity, and her prayers are powerful and showcase her spiritual growth. I loved that she had support from her family and friends and joined a group of parents who had children with similar conditions to Bryce. Her lessons on seeking help and accepting it resonated with me, and I hope the book will help more people struggling alone. I highly recommend this book and pray many people read it.

Essien Asian

The one thing Tracy knew she always wanted was to start a family of her own. After she and Rob got married, she looked forward to the joy that would come from having children. When her daughter Reyna was born ten years into her marriage, she took to her new role with gusto, enjoying every moment of it, but nothing prepared her for what she would face when her second child was born. Bryce was born with a defective heart which could have killed him if not for the efforts of the dedicated medical staff and his parents. Prayerful Warrior Mom is Tracy A. Ripley’s moving account of the travails she endured in those early stages of her son’s life.

Tracy A. Ripley opens up on her ordeals of raising a child with Congenital Heart Disease in Prayerful Warrior Mom. She gives the reader a detailed understanding of her background to fully grasp the Christian foundation her faith is based upon. The Bible verses used in introducing the individual chapters of the book are a nice touch and a subtle reminder to turn to the safety of God's word when overcome with worry. Ripley’s references to how she had to balance her family life with meeting quotas at her workplace reflect the pressures millions of working mothers go through daily. This is something many readers will be able to relate to. I found the references to social media for suggestions concerning her son a bit disturbing knowing fully well how dangerous that arena can be but I would prefer to put that down to the desperation of a mother trying to give her offspring the best there is to offer. What I like the most about Ripley’s Prayerful Warrior Mom is the message of hope it radiates, letting others who are going through a similar situation know that they are never alone.

Meredith, Goodreads Reviewer

There is so much that can be learned when we read the stories of how ordinary people navigate extraordinary circumstances. Bryce's journey is one such story.
His heart condition was an extraordinary circumstance and it brought so much testing to his family. The mother's faith in the God who created Bryce and who is the author of his story was real and raw. There were many times she clung desperately to Jesus as her son's life was in the balance.
I loved the honesty and the level of detail in this story and I often felt as though I was walking the journey right next to them.
This is a book which would help not just families like Bryce's but any families who are battling tough times.
A great read to grow your faith and be encouraged in dark times that never seem to end.
Highly recommended.

Jiratha Thavornvongwongse, Amazon

"Prayerful Warrior Mom" by Tracy Ripley is a profoundly inspiring and heartfelt memoir exploring how faith sustains us during life's most significant challenges. Tracy shares her personal experience of balancing a demanding career while caring for her child with congenital heart disease, providing readers with spiritual wisdom, practical advice, and emotional support. Through personal prayers, scripture quotes, and real-life examples, this book is an invaluable guide for parents seeking hope and balance in difficult times. It's an uplifting and insightful read for anyone navigating life’s storms.

Myla, Amazon Reviewer

I found Prayerful Warrior Mom to be incredibly moving and inspiring. This book is a heartfelt guide for any parent navigating the challenges of a child's congenital heart journey. The author’s reflections on faith, prayer, and resilience offer comfort and encouragement in difficult times. It's a beautiful reminder of the power of faith through life’s toughest storms. Highly recommend for any parent looking for spiritual support!

Christopher Nkemdirim, Amazon Reviewer

A heartfelt guide for any parent going through a child’s health crisis while balancing a career. Tracy’s raw honesty and faith-driven resilience offer both practical advice and emotional support.

Butterflywings09, Amazon Reviewer

What an absolutely intimate book. This story will hit you on every single level. Go along on the journey with Bryce and his battle with CHD. Faith and love and faith again is demonstrated throughout this book, literally on every page scripture quotes help accentuate, how faith saw this family through an unbelievable ordeal. It is beautifully written and will touch your heart.

PharmT, Amazon Reviewer

"Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey" really touches my heart. Thanks Tracy A. Ripley for sharing your journey as a mom. Your story taught me that there is hope in Jesus, that patience is having faith in God's timing, and not to cease on praying. You made me cry while reading your book. May God continue to bless you, and your family. Keep the faith!

QLS Fulfillment, Amazon Reviewer

As a parent, I found this book deeply moving and full of valuable lessons on resilience, faith, and advocacy. This book is a heartfelt and inspiring memoir that takes you through the intense journey of raising a child with congenital heart disease. Tracy Ripley shares her family's story with raw honesty, describing the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with her child's medical challenges. Her writing is both candid and comforting, making me feel as if I'm walking alongside her through every trial and triumph.

Ruffris Woodmore, Amazon Reviewer

This book is a lifeline for families dealing with a child's health issues. Tracy's personal story about her son Bryce's heart condition is incredibly touching. Her faith and the included scripture bring hope and comfort. It's an inspiring read for anyone looking to understand congenital heart disease and the power of faith.

E Sizmarick, Amazon Reviewer

This is my new favorite book that I've read this year. It is poignant and the story is powerfully told. It's a beautiful story that is inspirational and full of hope. Bravo Tracy!

Lewis Charles, Amazon Reviewer

Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey by Tracy Ripley is a truly captivating and inspiring memoir that delves into the depths of faith, resilience, and personal growth. Ripley's heartfelt narration of her son's battle with congenital heart disease and her own spiritual journey is both touching and enlightening. The book is a treasure trove of personal anecdotes, heartfelt prayers, and inspiring scripture passages, making it a powerful guide for anyone facing life's challenges. Ripley beautifully illustrates the profound power of turning to God during difficult times, finding solace, comfort, and strength in prayer. This book is a beacon of hope and a testament to unwavering faith, making it an essential read for anyone seeking inspiration and spiritual growth.

Anas Claywright, Amazon Reviewer

A beacon of hope for any parent facing the heart-wrenching journey of a child's congenital heart condition. The author’s heartfelt experiences and unwavering faith provide both comfort and strength. A must-read for those seeking solace and encouragement.

Jared1419, Amazon Reviewer

If you are dealing with a child's health issue, this book is a great resource for you. Moreover, Tracy's faith experience and the incorporation of scripture are inspiring for any reader. The book also provides practical advice and tips for dealing with medical issues in a child's life. Additionally, it encourages parents to trust God's plan and to never give up hope.

M9668, Amazon Reviewer

This book offers invaluable support for parents facing challenges with their child's health. It emphasizes key messages: advocating fiercely for your child's well-being, finding balance amidst work and family responsibilities without guilt, and drawing strength from faith. Tracy's narrative vividly illustrates these principles, showcasing the role of faith in overcoming obstacles and experiencing miraculous moments. If you've navigated similar experiences with healthcare professionals or struggled with balancing responsibilities, this book could provide profound insights and encouragement.

A Martin, Amazon Canada Reviewer

Is anything too hard for the Lord? In a fallen world, people suffer, but responses aren’t the same. The author’s journey is a testimony of faith and resilience; she trusted and remained faithful to the Lord, and He stood with her and her family.

Through her faith and God’s grace, Tracy Ripley understood we are more than conquerors through him who loved us, and it shows in her writing.

Their family endured much, but she knew those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever.

Often, it was hard not to cry - so I read the book in several sittings. The one thing I know is this. The author and her family are qualified soldiers, and I hope they are doing well.

Tracy Ripley, Thank you for sharing your story and vulnerability - joy, tears, fears, faith, healing, forgiveness, resilience, and obedience.

Throughout her trials, she showed her confidence in the Lord, believing whatever she asked according to His will, He heard her.

TOM LOGAN, Amazon Reviewer

This book is an example of one that is difficult to put down once you begin to read. It is a great inspiration not only for women or parents having children with CHD but for men, women, and all parents. It is superbly written and Tracy was forthright, honest, and very transparent in bringing out a personal part of her family life in an effort to help as many as possible; as we all do in trying times when a loved one has sicknesses and diseases. Tracy demonstrated how her faith in God made her strong and enabled her to withstand the challenges she faced while her youngest son battled with CHD. She made great use of Scriptures that she relied on to help her through this difficult trial. She showed how God blessed her with strength and faith to attend school at night, obtain a degree in accounting and finance, get promoted on her job, while dealing with difficult times at home. This is a book that everyone should read and will make a perfect gift, especially to those who have children with health problems. This is five star all the way!

Ra’s al Ghul, Amazon Reviewer

This book moved me deeply. As a mom, I felt every emotion Tracy Ripley shared during her son's battle with heart disease. Her faith and resilience through such a tough journey are truly inspiring. The personal anecdotes and prayers made me reflect on my own life and strengthened my belief in the power of turning to God in difficult times. It’s an uplifting guide that fills you with hope and encourages you to grow in faith. Highly recommend it for anyone seeking inspiration and strength!

RedLine, Amazon Italy Reviewer

This book guides readers through the challenges of facing a child's congenital heart disease with faith and resilience. Ripley shares practical strategies to overcome adversity, find balance in life, and embrace forgiveness. Her sincere reflections and deep prayers offer comfort and hope to parents and professionals, showcasing the indomitable strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of prayer. A must-read for those seeking inspiration and strength in difficult times.

Edvin Szolcsak, Amazon United Kingdom

Tracy A. Ripley's memoir, Prayerful Warrior Mom, describes her journey of faith, resiliency, and the transformative power of a mother's love. The book provides faith-based instruction, empowering approaches, assertiveness in action, life lessons for balance, and practical strategies for overcoming adversity. It is an inspiration to the human spirit and the victory of faith over fear, providing a lifeline for working women and parents juggling childcare and work obligations. Professional women and mothers can relate to Tracy's tale.

Simran, Goodreads Reviewer

Prayerful Warrior Mom is a pivotal book that is a mother's conviction towards harboring absolute trust and faith in God when she was subjected to a difficult phase of her life. When her youngest child's wellbeing was at stake she never gave up on God's plan and guidance.

Diagnosed with congenital heart disease, the birth of her youngest son was completely immersed in difficulty however Tracy's patience and resilience was channeled in the power that a mother only can have in her. Although she has spoken about various struggles and challenges that she faced during and after, she has also shown us the journey that she overtook and milestones she achieved.

I think this book could be a great inspiration to the parents who have been in this situation. Because not only does Tracy share personal anecdotes but also profound exploration of topics such as setting up healthy boundaries, embracing forgiveness, not holding on to guilt, rise up the adversities and most importantly faith and trust in God. Because He alone has the absolute power to steer your life's events and situations to the highest self of fulfillment. The guidance and resonating thoughts will definitely provide a clear understanding of balancing both career and home for the working women.

Writing about this particular event of her life must not have been easy however Tracy wants the others to know that they are not alone. Through the support of her near and dear ones as well as belief in Almighty, you can overcome this challenge and the ones that are yet to come. The journey will transform your perspective of how to handle the tough and grim trials of time.

This significant and profoundly emotional memoir will change your perception of reality and establish a sense of direction and grounding as working mom who has to balance two most important sides of her life. I would highly recommend this book.

Abigail L, Librarian, NetGalley Reviewer

Prayerful Warrior Mom is a heartfelt journey of faith, hope, and resilience that left me deeply moved. Tracy Ripley's candid story about her son's battle with congenital heart disease and her own spiritual evolution is both inspiring and empowering. As a mother myself, I found solace in Tracy's honest prayers and practical wisdom, reminding me of the power of faith in navigating life's toughest trials. This book is a testament to the strength of a mother's love and the transformative power of prayer.

Tisha T., Amazon Reviewer

Tracy A. Ripley's "Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey" is a profoundly moving and inspiring book that resonates deeply with parents facing the heart-wrenching journey of caring for a child with congenital heart disease.

Ripley's narrative is heartfelt and authentic, sharing her personal experiences with raw honesty and unflinching courage. From the very first page, readers are drawn into her world, experiencing the fear, hope, and relentless love that define her family's journey. Her writing is beautifully reflective, providing both comfort and guidance to those walking a similar path.

Muskan, Goodreads Reviewer

Prayerful Warrior Mom is an intriguing and empowering book that explores the faith, belief, hope and resilience of a mother towards accepting God's plan. This book will navigate through the events that have changed her life.

The book talks about the author's altered life events when her youngest son is diagnosed with congenital heart disease. She has also conveyed the struggles of work and home however never gave up demonstrating resilience and strength. Through her immense faith and connection to the Almighty, her trust brought her to seek His blessings and His truth.

The significance of forgiveness and setting up healthy boundaries that doesn't diminishes anyone's emotional well-being and bringing back the focus on what is in your control and not grappling with what's not, "Prayerful Warrior Mom" brings the power of believing God's plan for us during the toughest trials of lives. Tracy's patience and understanding is truly commendable and I'm sure every reader who reads her story will agree to this. With such devastating news, anyone can break down and lose hope and importantly faith in God but she held on, strong and resilient.

This is a profoundly powerful book that will help other parents who are going through the similar phase where they need that absolute thought to not to lose hope. From getting informed about her son's condition to taking care not to take any haphazard steps that could jeopardize their son's health, everything was described in vivid details. Her supportive husband, Rob always stood by her side.

"I will carry His light on whatever path He should lead me."

- From the book.

I'd highly recommend this book to the parents who have been in a similar or particular situation. The author's story will inspire and motivate you to understand your situation better and clearer. Through the encouraging words of wisdom and God's words you will find your way through struggles and challenges.

Sue E., NetGalley Reviewer

Hey there, fellow warrior moms! Ready to kick butt and take names? Then you've gotta get your hands on Prayerful Warrior Mom by Tracy A. Ripley! Tracy's story of battling through her son's heart disease is like a shot of espresso for the soul — it'll wake you up, shake you up, and leave you feeling ready to conquer the world! With Tracy as your guide, you'll learn how to set boundaries, embrace forgiveness, and surrender your worries to a higher power. So grab your armor (and maybe a tissue or two), because this book is about to take you on one heck of a journey!

WayneForza, Amazon Reviewer

One of the book's unique strengths is its emphasis on the transformative power of faith in overcoming adversity. Ripley beautifully illustrates how turning to God in times of hardship can provide strength, comfort, and hope. Through her own experiences, she demonstrates the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation, even in the face of life's greatest challenges.

A.E. Alvo, Amazon Reviewer

Author adeptly recounts her family's journey navigating her infant son Bryce's heart condition over the years, highlighting the profound impact of embracing faith. Her narrative not only sheds light on congenital heart disease but also underscores the shared experiences and challenges parents face in caring for their children. It's a testament to the resilience of families facing similar struggles and the sustaining power of faith in navigating them.

Margaret S., Amazon Reviewer

This memoir chronicles the experiences of one family when their youngest son, Bryce, was born with congenital heart disease (CHD). Tracy relates the shock of hearing the news about their newborn son, the different surgeries he endured (the first when he was only a few weeks old), and her struggles with continuing work at her job while caring for Bryce and his older sister Reyna.

Through it all, Tracy and her husband, Rob, rely on God to help them in each new challenge. Tracy learns to set boundaries with her coworkers and to stand up to medical personnel when they suggested something that was not in Bryce’s best interest.

This book will help anyone who has a child or grandchild going through a medical struggle. It would also make a great gift to someone you know whose child suffers with medical issues.

I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it.

Tammy Horvath, Goodreads Reviewer

What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? I hope you trust God like Tracy A. Ripley and I did when our lives took a downhill turn. When Ripley’s son was born with CHD, she fought to save him, and she eventually learned that she needed to surrender it to God. I had to do the same thing when a young man murdered my only child in cold blood. I had deep faith and forgave my son’s killer, and now I’m building a relationship with him. Just like the author had to learn to trust God to take care of her hurting son, I knew I had to surrender my son to Him in Heaven. If you need the inspiration to turn back to God and surrender your troubles to Him, the thought-provoking “Prayerful Warrior Mom” will inspire you—especially if you need to learn to forgive yourself, as the author and I have.

Amazon Nutzer, Amazon Germany Reviewer

"Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey" by Tracy A. Ripley is a deeply moving account of a mother's unwavering faith and love as she navigates the complexities and challenges of her child's congenital heart condition. This book is more than just a memoir; it's a testament to the power of prayer, the strength found in vulnerability, and the profound bond between a mother and her child.

Ripley's narrative is honest and raw, inviting readers into her world with open arms. She doesn't shy away from the fears, the uncertainties, or the moments of despair that come with the diagnosis and treatment of a congenital heart defect. Instead, she confronts them head-on, with a resilience that inspires and a faith that uplifts. Her journey is one of hope, healing, and the discovery of a deeper, more meaningful connection with God and her family.

What sets this book apart is Ripley's ability to intertwine practical advice and spiritual wisdom, making it not only a source of comfort for other CHD families but also a beacon of light for anyone facing trials in life. Her story is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, we are never alone.

For its heartfelt storytelling, invaluable insights, and the encouragement it offers to its readers, I gladly give this book a full 5 stars. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to find grace amidst the storms of life.

Sabatino Russo, Amazon Canada Reviewer

"Prayerful Warrior Mom" offers a deeply moving narrative of faith, resilience, and the transformative power of forgiveness. Through Tracy Ripley's poignant storytelling, readers are guided on a journey of overcoming adversity, finding balance, and discovering purpose amidst life's toughest trials. This book serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding us of the strength that comes from trusting in a higher power and the importance of community support during challenging times. A must-read for anyone seeking guidance on navigating life's challenges with grace and faith.

M Gabriella, Amazon Reviewer

“Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child’s Congenital Heart Journey” is a gem that touched my soul. Tracy A. Ripley’s candid storytelling invites you into her world—a world where faith and love collide with medical complexities and sleepless nights.

As a reader, I felt like I was sitting across from Tracy, sipping coffee, and listening to her heart spill onto the pages. Her vulnerability is both refreshing and inspiring. She doesn’t sugarcoat the struggles, but she weaves them into a tapestry of hope. Whether you’re a mom, a dad, or anyone navigating life’s storms, this book reminds us that faith isn’t just a Sunday thing—it’s a lifeline.

Tracy’s journey with her child’s congenital heart condition is a testament to the power of prayer, community, and unwavering love. She shares practical insights, heartfelt prayers, and moments of sheer grace. And let me tell you, there were times when I laughed, cried, and nodded in agreement—all in the same chapter.

Mother of Croz, Amazon Reviewer

I applaud Tracy A. Ripley for opening her heart and sharing her story with the world. While I do not have children with Congenital Heart Disease, I do have 2 young children with special needs, one of whom is nonverbal. Tracy's story pulls at my heart strings and in opening up about her journey, it helps me feel seen in my own. What really hit me hard was the bravery in talking about not mourning the life you don't have but embracing the beautiful gift of the one that you do. It's a very real thing for any family who has a child with a health issue or a disability others cannot simply understand--and as you see the rest of the world living a life you imagined yours to be like, it takes a lot of strength the rise above the surface level way of thinking and find the courage to live a truthful one. Wrapping my arms around this book and Tracy A. Ripley for being a shining example of a warrior momma in the world!

Read4Fun, Amazon Canada Reviewer

Prayerful Warrior Mom by Tracy A. Ripley is an uplifting and powerful memoir that shares the raw journey of navigating motherhood through the storm of a child's congenital heart defect. Tracy offers profound strategies for working moms trying to balance a high-pressure career with caring for a critically ill child. Through resilience, faith, and forgiveness, her journey is an inspiration to anyone facing life’s toughest challenges. This book is a spiritual lifeline, full of encouragement, practical advice, and unwavering faith. A must-read for parents in crisis.

Natalia Venter, Amazon Reviewer

What a powerful testimony by this author. She shares her story in a way that is both honest and uplifting offering hope and encouragement for mothers facing difficult situations such as walking through a health crisis. I highly recommend this book to any mothers and women who are trusting God through hard times in life. It's an easy read and also beautifully designed.