Heartsong Hills

Christian - Amish
303 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

After her accident, Nora’s hip is so bad she can barely walk. A local doctor promises her that hip surgery will help her regain her mobility. She finally agrees, but then discovers she needs to follow an exercise plan to regain her strength. She joins an exercise class at a local seniors center. Called Shuffle off to Fitness, Nora thinks it might be a good fit. Little does she know that this exercise class is actually teaching a form of tap dancing. In Wendy Rich Stetson’s Heartsong Hills, Nora is presented with a dilemma: continue the classes and strengthen her hip, or be the good, rule-abiding Amish woman she’s always been and quit. Dancing is prohibited by the Amish, but Nora discovers that she likes it and she’s also good at it. Plus, she meets an Englisher, Tucker, who captures her attention and her heart, something that hasn’t happened in many years. Where will this newfound pastime and attraction lead her? And, will her family, including her daughter, accept her new passions? Tucker, too, is torn. He didn’t expect to end up in a relationship, let alone with an Amish woman.

Wendy Rich Stetson’s romance novel, Heartsong Hills, is a good, wholesome, clean read. Readers who enjoy learning about the quiet life of the Amish will appreciate this story. The author knows the Amish and depicts them well, along with their customs and beliefs. The story is written in the third person narrative with Nora, the main character. The descriptive passages are well constructed and the reader will instantly feel immersed in an Amish home and Amish life. The character development moves the plot forward, using realistic and believable dialogue. This is a comfort read, as well as an engaging and informative insight into another lifestyle. The plot has all the makings of an enthralling romance, complete with conflict and the difficult decisions one must make. Overall, a good read.