
Leaders Striving To Improve

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
224 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

People often tend to undermine themselves with counterproductive behaviors, and leaders are not exempt from this. Boasting 35 years of experience in leadership development, Robert Kaplan presents Grappling: Leaders Striving To Improve, an inspirational guide for executives and senior business leaders to help them succeed professionally and personally. The book contains fictional stories based on the author's real-life clients to show how CEOs, managers, and other executives can negate self-damaging behavior and transform their lives. A senior manager struggles to nurture his relationship with his wife, a woman's past baggage threatens to overwhelm her personal and career-driven life, a turnaround artist struggles to connect with people, a senior executive abhors pushback, a man struck by a family tragedy works toward getting his life back on track. In each of these scenarios, an executive guide helps these talented people change their lives for the better.

Grappling: Leaders Striving To Improve delves into how corporate and family dynamics impact an executive or a manager's ability to navigate difficult situations. According to Robert Kaplan, our core habits are the same at home as at work because of our inherent emotional roots. Aside from willpower, leaders must learn to develop a mindset that allows them to overcome negative patterns of behavior by keeping themselves open to character shifts, paying heed to positive feedback, pursuing change with structure, seeking a guide, and more. This is one of the most engaging and informative self-help books on leadership I've read this year. Kaplan's observations and insights are spot-on and easily applicable in real-life scenarios. If you're working as a corporate professional or currently managing a business, this book is tailor-made for you. All in all, Grappling is a motivational leadership guide that I highly recommend.