God's Gifts To Us

A Children's Picture Book About Our Daily Blessings

Children - Christian
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mimie Odigwe for Readers' Favorite

God’s Gift To Us, written by C.M Harris and illustrated by Nadee Diwakara, is a delightful journey through the wonders of nature and the blessings of life, perfect for young readers. It celebrates God's creation from each new morning to the bright sky, soaring birds, rain, snow, seas, forests, vehicles, and pets. It teaches optimism: the rain creates puddles for us to play in with friends, the chilly snow makes us cuddle with our loved ones, and mud grows flowers and vegetables. We can feel God's might and love in the rise of the waves, kisses from dogs and cats, families, friends, and a community that truly loves us. It concludes positively that God’s love exceeds earth and lasts eternally.

The story celebrates God’s creation with vivid imagery that captivates the imagination, fostering a deep appreciation for the world around them. C.M. Harris teaches about nature but also emphasizes values such as gratitude, love, and the importance of family and friends. The text is complemented by bright graphics that bring the scenes to life, creating an immersive and entertaining read. Each page is filled with warmth and positivity. God’s Gifts To Us teaches children about the wonders of God’s creation while instilling important life lessons in a gentle and uplifting manner. This book will captivate young hearts and minds, leaving them in awe and with an appreciation for the world they live in and God who created all things. A must-have for every Christian child.