From the Dirty South to Saint Louie

Fiction - Drama
254 Pages
Reviewed on 07/14/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jean Brickell for Readers' Favorite

The book "From the Dirty South to Saint Louie" is about man's inhumanity to man subject to his skin color. The book starts in the South with Otis's father, a bootlegger, who loses everything he owns and dies from the shock. Otis has moved to the Saint Louis area and now operates three gaming houses. Otis hires a young woman, Mary, to cook at the gaming houses and finds himself falling in love with her. He runs afoul of a crooked sheriff and trouble begins. The author, Tha Genarall, has developed the characters quite well and has said that this book of fiction is based on true happenings. One of the characters who play a part in the story is the comedian, Red Foxx, who is also included in the dedication.

"From the Dirty South to Saint Louie" is a very fast-paced, well-written book that describes the troubles that were common for Black people in the South and to some degree in the rest of the country. Otis's father runs afoul of the law in the South, a crooked law, and Otis runs afoul of the law, at least of a crooked sheriff in the Saint Louis area. It is a fast book that you won't want to put down and you will surely remember it for a long time. The characters are true to life, and the action is fast and furious. The author Tha Genarall says that the story is based on true happenings, so that accounts for the realism that is so apparent in this book. The book is a very easy book to recommend.