Spark and Ignite

Infinitium White

Fiction - Science Fiction
284 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and to mature young adults as it contains graphic violence, strong language, and some sexual scenes. Penned by author Jimmy Tran, this is a gripping tale of five childhood friends, Saveas, Amare, Qolani, Olan, and Galtai, whose dreams for a better future lead to the downfall of their neon city, Dithyramb. The formation of the Hellhounds, a group initially striving for change, becomes the greatest enemy of the Golden Ones, resulting in a city engulfed by war and destruction. The book explores themes of hope, betrayal, and the devastating price of revolution, ultimately revealing the harsh realities behind their idealistic visions.

Author Jimmy Tran utilizes a brilliant imagination and conceptual worldbuilding to craft a captivating journey through a world where hope and despair are intertwined with a fascinating society. The formation of the Hellhounds, initially a beacon of hope, quickly turned into the greatest bane for the Golden Ones, highlighting the thin line between hope and failure with sharp, precise description The vivid portrayal of Dithyramb, a once-prosperous city, now a battleground of shattered dreams, was both mesmerizing and heartbreaking, and I really felt every visceral sensation of walking the streets and exploring each locale through the characters’ eyes. The bond between the central five figures, once inseparable in their youthful innocence, unraveled under the weight of their revolutionary ideals, and it was punctuated with brilliant dialogue that characterized their unique attitudes, but also how they could unite. The depiction of the city’s transformation from a neon-lit utopia to a dystopian nightmare, fueled by a single spark of rebellion, was profoundly impactful. Tran’s narrative eloquently captured the price of hope, where the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow demanded the ultimate sacrifice with brilliant pacing and suspense. Overall, I would certainly recommend Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White for sci-fi fans everywhere seeking a detailed and immersive read.

Essien Asian

Amare, Galtai, Saveas, Olani, and his sister Qolani grew up in Dithyramb, enjoying the sights and sounds while dreaming of one day attaining the status of the Golden Ones, famous knights who patrolled the city, protecting it from those who wield magic and other threats. As they grew older and maturity set in, certain truths about the knights' activities caused discord among those who sought freedom from their oppression. With differing views on the way forward, the four friends select their sides as a friendship forged on the streets prepares for a trial of blood and fire in Jimmy Tran's Spark And Ignite: Infinitium White.

Jimmy Tran's Spark and Ignite is a gripping action novel that combines intricate science fiction with a hint of fantasy. The makings of an uprising come together in impressive detail with some rather enterprising build-up work on the origin stories of the principal characters. Tran's storytelling is character-driven, with detailed connections between the four youths. It highlights small victories and shared delights that will draw readers into their lives and create a deeper insight into their group dynamics. Action fans will enjoy Tran's gritty, detailed storytelling, which builds suspense with a fast tempo and combines rhyme and description to highlight violent scenes, giving the story a distinctively poetic feel. At the same time, the dalliances, especially between Saveas and Amare, will catch the eye of romance fans. The icing on the cake is the unbelievably extensive world-building that goes into this narrative using a mix of old-world sounding tools with futuristic purposes such as the sigils drones and fairies. Tran's Spark And Ignite is in a class of its own.

Keith Mbuya

The citizens of Dithyramb had lived under the rule of the Solar for many generations. Unknown to them, their normal routines such as visiting the siphons were meant to suppress their innate abilities of magic. Upon learning this reality, Saveas's closest friends Olan, Qolani, and Amare seek equality and freedom. In an effort to launch a revolution against the Solar, they partner with Pyr who unbeknownst to them was known as one of the Treacheries, one of the most dangerous criminals. Pyr, who is known to the world as the Hellhound, proves that he is willing to do whatever it takes for freedom and vengeance, leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake. Saveas and Amare break away in search for a peaceful path, which seems to earn them great success. But then, perhaps their success is just the calm before the storm, and their freedom may never come through peace. Discover what happens next in Jimmy Tran's Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White.

Young adult science fiction lovers will find Jimmy Tran’s Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White an enthralling read. Weaving an intriguing plot, Jimmy whisked me away from reality and dropped me into a world of endless imagination with a succinct writing style and vivid depictions. A thin veil of distinction hangs between succeeding scenes, demanding the utmost attention to detect the switch in scenes. This gives the storyline a complex touch. The cast’s traits and emotions are brought out, anchoring the story’s grip on reality. This allowed me to connect with the cast. Saveas and his kind want back their powers, but I wondered if perhaps they were not ready for what they can do with them, or what they will become once they have them. Saveas and his friends find themselves making tough and irreversible choices that prompt the world around them to question if there was another way. Sci-fi fans will enjoy the adventure, suspense, action, and thrills in this read.

Paul Zietsman

Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White is an action fantasy by Jimmy Tran with themes of magic, demonology, and futuristic warfare. In Amadon, children are persecuted for using magic but a group of young friends wish to change how their world is ruled. Saveas, Amare, and the siblings Olan and Qolani strive for a kinder and gentler future but the steps they take set in motion a war that will forever tarnish Amadon. Known as the Hellhound, the leader of the Hellhounds, Pyr, takes charge of the rebellion against the Solar. The four friends follow his rule but soon realize that for Pyr they might just be pawns in his quest for power. Will Saveas and Amare's love stand the test of war and bloodshed and will the siblings' alliance with Pyr be fruitful or lead to the destruction of all they know and love?

Spark and Ignite is a fast-paced novel with elements of an action comic book. There is a lot of dialogue during the action scenes, and Jimmy Tran also uses onomatopoeia to add to the action's closeness and authenticity. The sentences are often very lyrically phrased in the sense that descriptive and poetic-sounding language is used. One of the lead characters, the ringleader Pyr, speaks only in rhyme, adding a mystical and mysterious quality to his character. “Capture the light, enrapture the night, recapture your sight. Tonight, we set this world alight!” he says as “a facade of pleasure and glee was on his face.” Powerful themes and characters and an emphasis on well-detailed action make for a gripping and entertaining novel.

Romuald Dzemo

Spark and Ignite: Infinitium White by Jimmy Tran is captivating science fiction with strong hints of dystopia. The story introduces the neon city of Dithyramb, which once was prosperous when childhood friends Saveas, Amare, Qolani, Olan, and Galtai roamed freely, but now is seriously threatened by the monsters it has created. The Golden Ones rule this city, and magic is forbidden. A species known as the yitsiyr is hunted by the knights for doing what their kind has always done. They possess thick horns and cloven hooves on a humanoid body. As the oppression from the Solar's rule continues, Saveas and friends are determined to fight for its abolition. The creation of the Hellhounds becomes the catalyst that ensures the undoing of The Golden Ones, plunging the city into war. Can the oppressed find justice against the powerful?

This well-crafted tale will appeal to science fiction and fantasy fans with its impeccable world-building and relatable characters. The conflict in Spark and Ignite pits technology against magic and plunges readers into a world where the powerful few lord it over the majority, and technology reigns supreme. The story features compelling characters from the main cast of Saveas, Amare, Qolani, Olan, and Galtai to even the side characters including Torrential, Downpour, and Lady Nightshade. Many action scenes punctuate the narrative, and the author builds the drama with intelligent dialogue. I enjoyed Jimmy Tran's ability to evoke strong imagery in the narrative, like the image of the Alcaeus, home to the Solar, a colossal disc that floats above the blackened city. The author uses magical elements like the mana — the crystals at the siphon — that give power to the yitsiyr to create a magical atmosphere that counters the brutality of the knights. The terrific descriptions and the beautiful prose make this an enjoyable tale.