Flowers, Plants and Fascinating Facts / Maua, Mimea na Ukweli wa Kuvutia

First Reference for Children / Kamusi Elezo Awali ya Watoto

Children - Educational
170 Pages
Reviewed on 10/10/2024
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Author Biography

Gloria D. Gonsalves, also fondly known as Auntie Glo, is from Tanzania and lives in Germany. She likes to take long walks in nature and gardens, and what she saw there inspired her to write about flowers and plants in this book. When not writing, she explores plants and learns how to draw them. Auntie Glo urges you to go outdoors and learn from nature and your surroundings.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel for Readers' Favorite

Flowers, Plants and Fascinating Facts: First Reference for Children by Gloria D. Gonsalves is a first-rate educational children’s book. It is enriching and comprehensive, comprising 170 pages, with 2 pages per flower/plant/tree. One page consists of information including interesting and useful facts and, most importantly, its translation in Kiswahili, and the other page has an adorable drawing of each plant. Last but not least, the plants selected are from all over the world and particularly from Africa. It invites young (and not-so-young) readers to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of flora. For instance, you can learn a lot about the jacaranda tree, which I read about in another book recently and wanted to know more.

Flowers, Plants and Fascinating Facts by Gloria D. Gonsalves is a book to treasure for children who can read a few pages at a time, or who can pick one page and turn reading it into a game with friends or family, making them guess which plant they’re describing. It is a fabulous resource for curious kids and parents! It will enable children and students to develop a deeper appreciation for nature’s diversity and that is invaluable. One of my favorite drawings is that of the delicate hibiscus. I am definitely going to use this book regularly, especially as I read world literature and have encountered numerous plants I did not know! Thank you for enabling readers to discover such a gem! This is a book to savor slowly.