Emma and Bob

A holiday that reveals the miracle of life

Children - Preteen
120 Pages
Reviewed on 01/22/2024
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Author Biography

Ágnes Horváth (1967) followed her heart when she wrote her first book, ‘Emma and Bob’. After many years of helping mostly adults as a nurse, care assistant, health care assistant and currently a nursing associate, she became passionate about helping children as well, in a very different way.
Over the past decade, after moving to the UK in 2011, she explored our true essence beyond thoughts and personality, why we perceive the world and our experiences the way we do, and how we can influence our lives. She learns through her own experiences, from well-known spiritual teachers and scientists (E. Tolle, Mooji, L.L. Hay, Dr J. Dispenza, Dr B. Lipton, G. Braden, D. Chopra…) and from an excellent psychotherapist.
She likes to spend time in nature be it cycling, long walks, jogging or sitting in silence. She also enjoys swimming, jumping in the trampoline park, sliding in the water park, reading and listening to music. She has children and grandchildren.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“We are all different, beautiful, imperfectly perfect, and equally valuable just the way we are.” That sounds like quite a mouthful, but oh, so true. Ágnes Horváth’s Emma and Bob is a story about two children who learn some pretty intense lessons while visiting their gran. Sometimes the best lessons are learned through experience. The children are enthralled with their surroundings, their grandmother, her new puppy, Floppy, and so many things that happen when they visit the forest and the beach. Even when things are starting to get stressful, the children learn to experience inner peace and live in the love that’s all around them at any given moment. Positive thinking, thankfulness, and so much more will influence these children as they share their stories. It may sound a little heavy for a young reader to grasp, but following Emma and Bob’s story, young readers will find their way, too.

Ágnes Horváth’s early chapter book, Emma and Bob: A Holiday that Reveals the Miracle of Life, is a profound and gentle story about all that is good in the world and how we can embrace it. The plot follows Emma and Bob’s visit to Gran’s and the adventures they share during their holiday. Each step of their journey is documented with suggestions for young readers to follow as they observe the children’s progress and reflect on their own progress through the day. The author advises young readers to savor this story and to read it slowly and carefully. As the plot reaches its resolution, the children share what they’ve learned, summing up the key points of living a positive, wholesome life. At the end of the book, there’s a personal journal section where young readers are challenged to share their deepest thoughts and reflect on all that is good in their lives, even when things are not going the way they expect. Beautiful illustrations throughout. Loved it!


More reviews:

"I've read a lot of books like this, but I can honestly say this is one of the best ones I've read yet. It's a gentle story about a sister and brother, Emma and Bob, who holiday with their gran. During the holiday, they make friends, help a baby deer and learn much from their wise gran, who gives them precious lessons and advice on what life throws at us. In this book, Ágnes Horváth tackles sensitive and painful issues such as grief and anxiety, with sensitivity and uses methods which can easily be incorporated into the reader's lives. These methods are what councillors advise, and what books specialise in, yet in Emma and Bob, it's conveyed within a beautiful story that gives examples of how to put these methods into practice. This is a book which will help anyone of any age, not just children. I loved this book. Its message and advice are priceless and can be returned to whenever life throws us another hurdle to climb."

"This is a book, that I wish I could have read when I was a child. Emma and Bob's Gran imparts great wisdom and knowledge to the children. The story about their holiday shares the importance of 'self awareness', 'the power of positive thoughts', 'listening to your heart' and 'being present'. These are things that we all need throughout our lives, they will have a big impact and improve our quality of life. So having this perception early on would be most beneficial. Although the book is written aimed at children 9+, I feel anyone, any age would benefit from reading it. The author has used clear examples to illustrate the important aspects, making it easy to understand. In addition, the illustrations will keep the children's attention and be able to relate to the characters. Emma and Bob's adventurous journey with Gran is a great way to help children learn and recognise about self love, kindness, hope, trusting your intuition and living in the present. I would absolutely recommend this enjoyable book for all children and anyone else who needs a reminder of how they can find more contentment or to live a joyful and full life."

"‘Emma and Bob’ by Agnes Horvath is a delightful childrens book with a serious message behind.
Thanks to their curiosity, Emma and Bob’s ordinary holiday becomes extraordinary. In addition to enjoying time at the beach, in the forest and at home, Gran explains to them ‘the endless cycle of life’ and the importance of ‘self-kindness’, ‘positive thinking’, ‘listening to your heart’ and ‘being present’. You can learn these too, just open your mind and heart.
It is a lovely story that deals with emotions in a way that children can understand. It looks at mindfulness for children.
The characters are well described and aid the understanding of the story and the message behind it.
This book is well written and is one you will be able to share with your children that they will enjoy."

"I love a book that encourages conversations with my kids, giving them a book and talking through the points is always my favourite bit. Following Emma and Bob as they holiday with their Gran leads to many life lessons that get explained in a child friendly way, Autumn enjoyed the part on inner peace as this is something we have talked about previously as she had yoga for a few PE lessons during lockdown and it was fun talking about doing nothing and taking in all our surroundings. I really liked the water park section as teaching kids that crying is a normal reaction to things and you are allowed to be upset and accepting that is a big thing. Overall this book is great for opening conversations on feelings, emotions and understand our own selves as well as those around us."

"This is a lovely story aimed at children to help them understand life and themselves.
The story is told through Emma and Bob’s time away from home, staying with their Gran.
Gran teaches them many things like how to like themselves and to be kind, and that yes, boys are allowed to cry!
The book has lovely pauses for children to stop and think for a while, as well as breathe deeply and take in their surroundings.
There are great illustrations throughout to help guide children along by watching Emma, Bob and Gran.
At the back of the book there is a section for making notes. There are titles on each page to help children come up with wonderful things about themselves.
This is a great self help book for children, so many nowadays struggle in this world and I think this book would help many."


The book has just received The Golden Wizard Book Prize! Thank you! :)