Christian Princess Diary of Confessions

Children - Christian
21 Pages
Reviewed on 04/16/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

Self-esteem is developed during the early years of life, as are other emotional and social skills. That is why children must be motivated to seek the best in themselves so that they learn to appreciate their uniqueness. With the help of passages from the Bible, Christian Princess Diary of Confessions teaches girls to love and value themselves. Iletha M. Dodds Rigging uses various internal aspects to show where true beauty lies. She teaches that forgiveness and love are also important parts of us. She shows that we must follow the teachings of Jesus so that our actions reflect the true beauty that we possess. After each tip there is a summary and girls can write their thoughts and experiences concerning the teachings.

Christian Princess Diary of Confessions is a wonderful book that focuses on what is important in life because it motivates girls to improve their vision of themselves and teaches them to be better people. The references to the Bible are a great approach to the words of Christ because girls will learn how worthy they are. Iletha M. Dodds Rigging combines self-love and the teachings of the Bible in a very entertaining way. Another advantage is that girls can practice reading and writing. This journal is a useful way to develop new skills. At the end of the book, there is a section about vocabulary so that girls can expand their perspective and find new ways to show true inner beauty.