This work is a deconstruction of the liberal state as an illegitimate political construct. It is an in-depth dissection of the catastrophic flaws of both Marxism and the bourgeois dystopia. And it is a book for all Americans living at the receiving end of that swindle.
I write from an experience familiar to many Americans: I am well-educated and yet I work a low-paying job, often for almost double the hours of a regular workweek. In what free time I have, I put my economics degree to work by studying different branches of the field, as well as philosophy and history, to deductively deconstruct the current system and inductively infer the logical alternative.
More than anything else, this book is a road map to a worker-centered, democratic and ethical state. It is a political alternative that starts with a clean break. It is free of the shallow dichotomy "left wing versus right wing" and it is an uncompromising leap of logic and will into a radically different future. And more importantly, it is a glimmer of hope for the forsaken—just about all Americans.