Blue Bird Yellow Bird

Fiction - Drama
412 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Blue Bird Yellow Bird tells the story of a woman searching for self awareness. She feels her life out of her control. Our heroine suffers from OCD and maniac depression.

Mental illness is draining on the family and friends. Blue Bird Yellow Bird is a fascinating look the life of a mentally ill person and their family. The characters make this book. I really cared about them. They became real. The plot is very interesting. I stayed up all night reading this book. This well written, emotional roller coaster will keep you wanting more.

I’m not sure anyone every understands mental illness. Someone dear to me is mentally ill. Unfortunately she refuses to acknowledge the fact and pushes people away. She is filled with unfounded anger and hatred. I thought she was better but due to a stressful situation the demon that haunts her returned. I admire the author’s ability to shine light on a misunderstood illness.

D. Welles

This book was so difficult to put down, from the first page I was both intrigued and spellbound. This author has a stunning ability to capture very real situations with frightening accuracy...and weaves them with fascinating fictional aspects. A wonderful combination. Several chapters left me weeping and toward the end I really paced myself, because I did not want it to end! Looking forward to the next book!

Angela Carter

This book grabbed me right from the start! I read over 1/2 of it in just one day because I couldn't put it down! The connecting of past, present, and the issues in both "worlds" was spellbounding! At the end of the book, I was saddened because it was over! Truly the mark of a great writer, leave them wanting more!
I would love to read more works from this wonderful author!

J. Sorrento

Rachel Namieka tackles some difficult issues with the ease of a seasoned author. The story held my attention from the first page to the last, and left me wanting more. I'm definitely looking forward to more insights from this special author!